Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My Dear Princess...

For years now I have been writing letters to my future husband...they are hidden away in a box, & written on lined paper, in a note book, scribbled on a scrap of baby, jotted down on a pink sticky note. I have always known one day I would get married & have a family. I know, in my heart, that that is what God has created me for, & I am always discerning life, & feel drawn back to that.

I cannot wait to be married to the man God created for me. For me. He created someone to be my companion, best friend, love and confident. Someone to love me like the Princess He created me to be.

But, today I realized something. Not only do I wait in hopefully anticipation of being married, but I also wait for the day I will (God willing) be blessed with the gift of Motherhood. What a lovely gift that would be! I was inspired to write (& share with you) a letter to my future daughter, if I have one.

My sweet, wee baby girl,

What a precious gift you are! That is my first prayer for you...that you will always know what a precious gift you are. I thank God for your life, & for every perfect piece of you. I pray you'll always know how dear you are to me, how much I love & adore you.
My darling, I promise to love you, unceasingly. Even, when I am tired, life fights to bring me down, I am angry and annoyed...I promise to love you. Please, forgive me for the times I don't show it, but please know I do love you, even then.
Dear little girl, my love is far from perfect. Only one, Holy & Almighty King can love you perfectly. Cling to that love when you feel the world is failing you. I pray you may, even in the darkest days, feel His great, abundant & everlasting love. Nothing you do, think or say can ever make that love falter. The love your father & I show you may sometimes fail you, because of our poor, sinful selves. But, the love of our God, it will be there, with open arms...every moment of every day. Know that, dear one.
As I write this, I am not even married yet. But, I know one thing for certain. The man who is your father will love & adore you. He will treasure you & you will be his Princess. He may not always know how to show you, but when he kisses your bo-bo, he is saying, "I love you, little one." When he reaches for my hand & kisses my lips in front of you he is showing you how love is supposed to look, and he is saying, "I adore you." When he holds you on his lap, showing you how to steer the truck, he is saying, "You are so beautiful, I love you, baby girl." When he changes the oil in your car, he is saying, "I love you." He is saying it the only way he knows how.
As time passes, you will grow. You will notice my teary eyes as I watch you reach milestone after milestone in you life. I am not crying because I am sad to see you grow, I am crying at how quickly time snatches away these moments. I will love watching you become the young lady God intended you to be, but I will be sad knowing soon you won't need me to hold your hand or tuck you in at night or read you stories. Time takes the moments too soon for my liking.
Baby, remember that I too am I daughter. I know what it's like, and I have been where you are. Even though you won't believe me, I truly do understand. If life has taught me anything it is this: you will always be a daughter. You will be our baby even when you have your own. And, you will always be the daughter of your Heavenly Father.
Not only will you always be a daughter, but you will always need your parents. No matter how old you are, or how much experience you've gained, there will always be comfort in calling your parents to ask them questions. Trust me, your grandparents can attest to this. If it wasn't for them I could not be here now. And, age is no factor in how often you will call upon your Father. Never underestimate the power of a prayer. He is always there, waiting to help you. You will always need Him. I promise you that.
So, sweet girl, please know your Momma loved you, even before you were a twinkle in her eye. You will be my whole world, and I will love every moment of getting to know you.
I adore you, Princess.
Love, your Momma

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