Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Last Days

Summer is coming to an end here on Ontario. Sigh.

We had a really warm July, which was lovely, and perfect for beach days. But, August is getting chilly. I love fall, but it's August 17th, & it's too early for me. I am not letting the chilly temperatures ruin these last few weeks of summer, though!

My parents always rent a cottage for a week over the summer. It's never the same cottage...always a new one, with a new adventure. And, we all love it. However, my siblings & I are getting older, so last summer, and this summer my sister, brother & I weren't able to spend the week cottaging. With work and other commitments of growing up getting in the way, I miss those weeks I had growing up.

My parents had a cottage rented this past week. I didn't think I was going to be able to get up to it at all, but was over joyed when I was able to sneak away from the world for 2 days and enjoy some time relaxing. Troy & went up late Wednesday night, after I finished work, and came back early this morning so I could get to work on time today. We really enjoyed our time with my family, and I wanted to share some pictures from our mini vacation with you.

Enjoy & happy last weeks of summer!

The flowers were in full bloom, and looking beautiful.
 Had to share!

Mary & Tess in the kitchen :)

There were some serious washer games going
on this week. I have a very competitive family!

Isn't he the cutest? Look at that smile!

Troy & Tess- the greatest washer fans this
side of the Valley!

Look at this little fella!

No doubt about it, Dad kicked some butt at washers!

These two! So cute <3 Despite the chilly air and water, they
were unstoppable with their swimming.

She was just too cute in all her pink!

And the fisherfolk head out in their canoe...and returned with
a whole lot of nothing. *sigh*

Yes, we were at the beach. Yes, it was freezing & the blanket
was necessary. Yes, there was a lot of swimming done!

My love.

The boys & I. The hotdogs Dad made were
a hit! Thanks, Dad!

Look at those two, cooking in love.


Make the moment of these last days of summer!


Emily xo

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