Monday, August 19, 2013

Blessed Emily

No, no, not me. I wish!

Today is the feast day of Blessed Emily Bicchieri. Maybe you've never heard of her...I hadn't. So, in honour of her feast day I am going to share what I have learned about her story.

Emily Bicchieri was born on May 3, 1238 in Vercelli, Italy. Her mother passed away when Emily was very young, and with a desire for a mother in her life she placed herself under the care of our Mother in Heaven.

Emily's father had plans for his daughter to be married and have a family. Emily pleaded with her father to construct a convent. Her heart's desire was to pursue religious life in the Third Order of St. Dominic. Her father built a convent outside of the city, which was later dedicated to St. Margaret.

When Emily was only 20 she became abbess of the convent. Having been elected, against her will, as Prioress, she governed and lead the new community very well. She was tactful, faithful, and strongly insisted on her community being pure with their intentions. Blessed Emily was very diligent about never telling anyone to do something she herself would not do.

Receiving Communion regularly was uncommon at this time, yet Emily received Our Lord frequently. She had such a love and adoration for the Passion of Our Lord. At a time, she felt she was receiving Our Lord too often, and she felt a need for humility. She chose to fast, for a time, from going to Communion. It was then Our Lord appeared to her, and asked His Spouse to return to His Banquet Table.

Bl. Emily Bicchieri
She was known for having visions, as well as for miracles Our Father performed through her.

Blessed Emily passed away of illness on her birthday, May 3rd, in 1314.  She was 76 years old. She was beatified by Pope Clement XIV. Her feast day is celebrated on August 19th.

Bl. Emily, please pray for us. Help us to cling to our Heavenly Mother, and find a model of womanhood in her. Pray that we might have a renewed fervour for Our Lord's passion, and his very true, and holy presence in the Eucharist. May we come before our Heavenly Father with a new adoration. Amen.

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