Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Last Few Moments

Last weekend was a long weekend here where I live. I worked Saturday & Sunday, but had Monday & Tuesday off. I spent some time with Troy & I wanted to share with you some photos I took from being at his home.

This little baby tree frog was just hanging out on an old licence plate on the woodshed. That is the bottom of the number 8 on the plate, so you can get an idea of the size. Cute, eh?

These were some wild peas we came across. Tasty as could be.

Amazing how lovely a weed can be...

The wild raspberries were ripe & ready too...yummy!

Troy calls there 'wild tomatoes'...The name is kind of misleading. The aren't really tomatoes, but they are kind of neat looking.

The wild cucmbers were taking over. The plants are so pretty, I think. One was crawling up the branch of the tree.

Mmmm...fall must be coming. Apple picking, here I come!

I hope you're enjoying your last few moments of summer...I know I am! Remember, the tans will fade, but the memories will last forever.

Emily xo

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