Saturday, August 10, 2013

Yes. No. Not Now.

A few weeks ago at Mass our Priest today a story during his homily that went like this,

Years ago he was teaching a First Communion class, and the room was filled with Grade 2 students. They were discussing prayer at this particular class, and one little boy near the front spoke up and said,

"Father, I don't pray."

When Father asked him why he didn't pray the little boy adamantly declared that God didn't answer prayers. So, Father asked him why he thought God didn't hear and answer prayers. The little boy responded,

"Well, I was praying for a long time that I would get a new bicycle for my birthday. My birthday was months ago, and I never got a bicycle." 

Apparently, a young girl near the back of the class disagreed with this boy's announcement. She spoke up, saying, 

"Johnny, God does answer prayers. His answer to your prayer was 'NO'."

This little story received a few chuckles from the parishioners. And, rightfully so. But, I think this young girl was probably way more wise then any of us sitting on the wooden pews that warm July morning. See, she understood that sometimes God says no. And, that is something most of us spend our lifetime struggling with. Or, at least I do.

God answers prayers in three ways:


His 'yes' means that what we desired and what he knew was best for us were actually in line. 
He said 'yes' because what we wanted was good, wholesome and worthy of our time.
His 'yes' was not an affirmation that we always know what is best, but it is an affirmation that He is a loving God who desires us to ask for what we need, and to accept whatever answer He gives us.


This is a humble reminder that we are not God. God is God, and He knows what is best for us.
His 'no' wasn't Him exercising is power to make us angry. It was Him reminding us that He has a great, grand plan in which He only gives us the things we ask for that will make us better.
His 'no' reminds us to be humbled.

Not now

Sometimes we misconstrue God's 'not now' for a 'no'. We think He is not giving us the desires of our heart, but really He is teaching us patience, and He is asking us to just hold on, for a better time is coming.
He will give us what we desire when the time is right, and just because we think that time is right now doesn't mean it is.
Remember, God sees the larger picture.

So, I hope you always know God answers your prayers the very best way, even if you don't see it that way right now. It is hard. I will be the first to admit that. But, it is something we will need to work on for our whole lives. 

I am praying for you, please also pray for me.

Emily xo 

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