Monday, September 2, 2013

Happy Labour Day!

I hope all my Canadian & American friends had a lovely long Labour Day weekend! I know I did. And, now school begins back up again tomorrow. Sigh. Where did the summer go?

However, I am looking forward to the fall time. I love the cozy sweaters, pumpkins, apples and pie. I love the cool weather and the changing leaves. I love hunting season and Thanksgiving. But, it also means our world is preparing for another long, cold winter. That, I don't love so much.

I wanted to just do a quick post including some pictures from my weekend. My brothers began one last supper project, and was it ever a good one. They built themselves a 'Jeep'. Boy oh boy, they are sure creative when they want to be. Will their marks reflect that this school year? Ya, probably not.

The 'Jeep', in all it's glory!

The base is from an old metal wagon. 

Notice they even have a spare tire on the back, not to be confused the the tire that is the steering wheel.

Like their seat? A cushion from an old stroller.

Oh, this is their wagon.

A proud kiddo attaching the wagon.

They haven't quite figured out how they are going to get it to drive, but for now they spend hours pushing each other up & down the drive way. Oh to be little again!

Good luck to any of you heading back to work or school tomorrow after a short summer!

Emily xo

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