Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Musing a Cup of Coffee Can Inspire

Do you love coffee? I do. However, I do not identify as an addict. I do not need coffee, and no, I am not in denial. I drink coffee because I truly enjoy the taste {it took me ages to get to that point. My NET team can vouch for that}. But, I can go weeks at a time without drinking it, & suffer zero with drawl. I think it's because I don't drink it every single day.

Either way, I enjoy me a good cup o' coffee often. I find comfort in the warm cup, strong taste, steamy trail it leaves in the air. I like the smell of it and the process of making it. It soothes me, and I find comfort in the routine of it. 

Do you? 

I think coffee has some sort of magic about it. Here is what I have learned about coffee:

-It fills silent spaces. 
   When the house is quiet, and you're sitting at the table with your spouse, or friend, or child in the early morning, having a cup of coffee, there is no need for words. You can simply sip and breath in the quiet first moments of the day.

-It open hearts & mouths.
   Coffee offers a comforting start to a challenging conversation or a budding new friendship. Sharing a coffee with someone can open their heart to hear what you have to say, or open their lips to speak to you in confidence.

-It is comforting.
   When the world gets us down, coffee can be a simple source of comfort. A routine, a small joy in a dark space.

-It is a good date.
   It is a good date for girlfriends to catch up. It is a good date for couple to deepen their relationship. It is easy, inexpensive, meaningful and wonderful. The company is more important then what's in the mug.

-It wakens your senses.
   There are few things greater then the smell of coffee in the wee hours of the morning. It wakens your very being, so you can embrace the beautiful day God has made.

-It makes me thankful.
   Having coffee whilst I say my morning prayers not only makes me happy & more alert, but it also makes me thankful. It makes me aware of the small things I take for granted (for example, coffee) & I thank God for them. It is a good companion for my morning visits with my King. After all, what better drink for a Princess? Am I right?

Cheers! Enjoy your coffee, ladies :)

Emily xo

Oh, & did I mention it makes a great blogging partner? No? Well, it does!

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