Friday, September 13, 2013

The Privilege of Womanhood-Being A Mother

Motherhood is an amazing gift! And, one given specifically to women. Clearly, I am not a mother, so my knowledge of this particular subject may be somewhat limited. However, I have a mother, and I have seen my Mother throughout numerous pregnancies. I feel I do have a wee bit of insight into this privilege.

First of all, pregnancy. I have heard several women complain about the strains & sorrows associated with being pregnant. And, I have no doubt that it is not all roses & butterflies. Trust me, I have seen my Mother make a beeline to the bathroom, mid-meal, in those early months (& sometimes later months, as well) of pregnancy. Nothing about that screams, "It's a blast!"

However, I am a glass half full kind of gal. While I acknowledge the sometimes awful side effects of pregnancy, I refuse to define pregnancy by them. I think that there are far too many lovely things about those first 9 months of motherhood to get caught up in the sickness, exhaustion, and uncomfortable-ness of it all.

First of all-YOU ARE GROWING ANOTHER PERSON. How phenomenal is that? Your body is housing, nourishing & comforting a tiny little person, conceived (hopefully) out of pure, honest & wholesome love. For me, that in & of itself is enough to convince me of the privilege of motherhood. I do realize though, that is not enough for some.

How about getting to feel this little one grow & develop. I remember being at ultrasounds with my Mom and hearing the baby's heartbeat! What an incredible gift! And, placing my hand on my Mom's stomach while the little one pushed a fist or foot against my hand. Nothing beats that. Seriously.

Now, this part I have no real experience with, as I have never actually had a baby. So, I am relaying on the information from my Mom, aunts, friends and grandmothers. Labour is probably the most painful thing you'll ever endure, I do not doubt that. But, I do marvel at how truly amazing it is that our bodies are designed in such a way that this is possible. Really though, it is amazing that our bodies can endure such extreme pain, push with such force, and in a matters of hours, present the world with a crying little infant. 
And, I am told that the memory of how extreme the labour pain is, leaves within moments of giving birth. I am not saying you totally forget about the pain...I mean you have the cuts, blood & stretch marks to remind you. However, our brains are programmed in such a way that we do not remember the severity of the pain. (I mean, if we did, no one would have more then 1 child).
It just amazes me how our baby & our bodies tell us exactly what to do, and essentially, prepare for the delivery of this child by themselves. It really is incredible. 
And, once you old that new little one in your arms, how could you regret even one second?
How stinking cute?!

Okay, and lastly, the privilege of Motherhood as your children grow. There is no denying that being a Mom is a lot of work. Heck, I put my Mom through the ringer! However, I have never heard a Mother say she wished she was anything else. No one else gets those quiet, middle of the night nursings. Yes, you may be exhausted and wish your baby would just sleep, but you're the only one who can bond with them this way, and you're the one they need. That is a wonderful reality, despite the nagging exhaustion.

And, you get to be there are they grow up and experience new things. No one gets to experience them quite the same way a mother does. You & that child have a bond that begins 9 months before they bonded with any other human being in their life. The relationship you have with your child will be totally different then any relationship they have with their Father, with their siblings or with their friends. You really did love them first, and they loved you first. 

So, remember that you really are privileged as a Mother. Yes, even when your child climbs into your bed or wakes you with their cries in the middle of the night. Yes, even when they throw a tantrum in the middle of Wal-Mart (sorry Mom). Yes, even when they make you want to pull your hair out as a crazy teenager. 

You are privileged, even then.

Emily xo

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