Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Privilege of Womanhood- All it's G{l}ory

If you are a woman, or know a woman, then you know that we are given lots of opportunity to complain & be pessimists about our "hood". In a single day we can be given upwards of 50 different things related to womanhood we dislike, are annoyed by or make us feel downright awful. But, I am here to tell you that womanhood, in all it's glory (or gory, haha) is a true, wonderful privilege & gift...even when it feels like a curse.

First of all, PMS... once a month we become a giant tumbleweed of raging emotions and, of course, we feel like crap, thanks to our little 'friend'. If you're anything like me then you become to resent your womanhood for at least a week every month. And, rightfully so. It is awful and miserable.

However, maybe there's another way to look at. I have always had very awful periods. Maybe that's too much information (sorry). I remember one time, years ago, I was home from school 'sick' and was lying on the couch, clutching a heating pad to my abdomen. I was feeling nauseous and miserable, and sorry for myself. I looked at my Mom and said, "At least one day I'll be able to have babies, right? That's the good part of feeling so awful every month."

Obviously, there is no guarantee of fertility, but knowing my body was working correctly was the best promise I had of fertility, and that was enough to get me through. I hold tight to that every time I am hit with a wave of period cramps, nausea, and emotional roller coasters.

I think that clinging to that hope, and potential of one day being a mother is the bright side to this misery of womanhood. My aunt is interning as a NFP Creighton Model practitioner. When she first started out she asked if I would like to take the program from her. I agreed, and am so thankful I did! I highly recommend looking into it. I makes you truly grateful of the gift of your womanhood. It is helpful in understanding how your body works, and why it is the way it is. Even if you are unmarried (me), and not sexually active (me) it is most certainly worth your while!

creighton model fertilitycare logo

Part 2 of The Privilege of Womanhood is going to be about girlfriends...keep an eye out for that!

Mary, Mother of Jesus, pray for us!

Emily xo

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