Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Day

Today was my very first day of College. It went well, actually. I am glad to have it behind me. Now, only too many more to go :)

For me, the first day of school is basically the first day of fall. And, you can see signs of fall right here at home already. Over the weekend my brother and I took a little walk around our property with my camera, & snapped a few photos of fall beginning.

The apples on our trees are ripe and delicious! A sure sign of fall:)

The garden is reaching an end, & everything is ripening and ready for the picking!

Pumpkins-Fall is HERE!

Who could resist some sunflower pictures? Tell me, WHO?

This was my view on Sunday. I was working on some blogs & enjoying the fall day:)

Happy Fall-time!
Emily xo

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