Saturday, November 30, 2013

Am I Lovable?

Earlier this month I posted a blog called, Am I Enough? I suppose you could consider this one a follow up to that.

Click to visit the original post

Am I lovable?

This is something I am sure most of you feel faced with regularly, either consciously or unconsciously. I know it is for me. As I talked about in my previous post, it is often a battle in our hearts to feel that we are enough, that we have enough & that we do enough. Along with that comes the question of whether or not we are worthy of the things in life we do recieve, or if where we have been & what we have done are enough to destroy and otherwise bright & hopeful future.

The short answer is no. Nothing we have ever done or could ever do will be enough to make us unlovable.

However, that doesn't stop us from sometimes feeling unlovable. This can be in our relationships, in our families or with God. We get so caught up in how we have failed those around us and failed God that we deem ourselves unlovable. That's a dangerous trap, set by the devil.

The moment we see ourselves as unlovable we open ourselves up to be Satan's little workshop. We are now putty in the ends of the most evil, and he will exploit & ruin us. See, if we deem ourselves unlovable then he tempts us by saying, "You're right, no one can love you after where you've been & what you've done. There is no point is trying to heal those broken parts of you or fix those damaged places. Just give up."

That is the worst thing we can do. We cannot just give up on improving ourselves. We are human and we were made in God's image, therefore He will always love us. Always. We cannot understand that love because our hearts do not reach that capacity. With that in mind we have to remember that we are not perfect & that we sin. AND- we have to remember that since our hearts are not capable of great love like God's is we cannot rely on the love in human relationships to withstand every test. That is why we need God, because no human can love is like He does.

We are always, always lovable. But we cannot relay on our spouses, children, friends, parents, boyfriends or grandparents to reveal that to us. We need God.

Tomorrow is the first Sunday of Advent. As we prepare for our Saviour's birth ask Him to help prepare your heart & fix the broken parts. Ask Him to show you that you are loved.

Please know you are very lovable, despite your brokenness.

Emily xo

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