Friday, November 22, 2013

I Won't Wear Pink

Pink Day has taken over the world. This week, in Ontario, it's Anti-Bullying week. Do you know where this all began though?

I agree that bullying is an awful, pathetic part of our world and we should, obviously, so anything and everything in our power to put an end to it. But, are Catholic schools going about it the wrong way? I know the ones in my area are.

Pink day began in Nova Scotia by two young men who saw a grade nine student being bullied for sporting a pink polo on his first day at school. Students called him 'gay' and were discussed by his display. Should this have been stopped-ABSOLUTELY! So the men went out, bought some pink tees, and wore them in solidarity of this boy who was bullied. And, the world jumped on board.

This movement has, from the very beginning, had the prime focus on stopping bullying of homosexuals and transsexuals. They try to encompass other anti-bullying movements as well, but the core of this anti-bullying Pink Day is ridding the world of the stigma around individuals who are gay.

I agree that bullying against students and anyone who is gay needs to end. But, I disagree that their lifestyle should be promoted. I will not stand, united in this pink army, telling the world that I support homosexuality. I don't. I believe it's sinful and wrong and that these people need to be love and treated with respect, but they also need to be educated on how to live a holy and pure life while bearing the cross of homosexuality.

I REFUSE to be one of these Catholics...contradicting the very core of the Church's teaching. You cannot be Catholic AND support homosexuality! {This photo is from an absolutely sickening blog post... I am appalled that these individuals will associate themselves with our Catholic Church}

So, I won't wear pink to support this movement. Will you?

Emily xo

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