Saturday, November 2, 2013

Pray for Them!

Today is All Souls day! I think, as Catholics, we tend to undermine and forget the critical importance and beauty that All Souls day brings. November is the month of the Holy Souls, so not only does this day get notice on November 2nd, the Church sees it as so important that we spend an entire month acknowledging it. 

Take a moment to think about that...

What other Catholic feasts or individuals get an entire month dedicated to them...Mary gets a month, we take a month to prepare for Christmas, we spend 40 days preparing our hearts for Easter....those are all massively important events and people in our faith. So, do the Holy Souls not deserve massive attention as well. Yes, they do.

Keep in mind your family members and friends who have passed away. Are they in Heaven? Or, are the waiting patiently for your prayers in Purgatory. When a souls is in Purgatory they cannot pray for themselves. Put yourself in their shoes...imagine not having anyone pray that your soul would be purified and reach Heaven. When I die I certainly hope someone prays for my soul! Take this month to truly pray and acknowledge the souls of people close to you, and for those souls who have no one to pray for them. 

Are you praying for someone's soul?

Emily xo

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