Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Most Beautiful Place

Last weekend Troy and I marked 4 years and 8 months of dating. Typically we aren't big celebrants of the passing months. However, last weekend we wanted to do something we hadn't had a chance to do yet this fall. We hiked up to a lookout point in the town near where he grew up. It was a beautiful day for the middle of October, and a perfect day for the hike and to look at the leaves.

There is absolutely no better way to mark the passing of time in our relationship, and the love God's given us, then to spend in the midst of His creation. I wanted to share a few of the photos we took so you could enjoy the beauty as well.

Apparently I didn't walk quickly enough...there was a lot of "What the heck are you doing?" "Take bigger steps!" "Are you tired?" Haha- I may be the world's slowest walker, but I did enjoy the sights. And, I have the photos to prove it!

Look how handsome he is! I am so blessed!

It was unbelievabley gorgeous- Although, incredibly nerve wracking with the combination of a girl terrified of heights and a dare-devil boy.

It was so peaceful. It reminds you that the simple moments are the best, and that the quiet times are the greatest blessings.

It was amazing to see God's creating unscathed. There was no graffiti decorating the rocks, no tall building blocking our view, no loud trucks rumbling by. Although, there was a little bit of garbage (don't litter!) that we were saddened to see, it was mostly perfect. 

What a goof. Smile nicely for a picture, ya right!

Isn't it stunning?

Pride rock? 

Fall was the perfect time to go. The leaves were lovely.

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