Monday, September 24, 2012

Brownie in a Mug

So last night I was home alone and it was kind of cool in our apartment. I had finished my supper and I decided a chick flick night was in order. And, everyone knows you need chocolate when you watch a chick flick. Am I correct ladies?

And, what is better then brownies? Practically nothing, that's what.

Here she is everyone- the most delicious Brownie and a Mug recipe EVER.

What you need:
-a microwave safe mug
-Cocoa powder
-Brown Sugar
-Vegetable Oil
-Chapmans' Naniamo Frozen Yogurt (optional)

What you gotta do:

1. Place 2 Tbsp each of cocoa powder, flour, brown sugar, vegetable oil & water in your mug. Mix that all together and add a teeny pinch of salt.

2. Place your mug in the microwave and punch in 30 seconds and let that baby bake away.

3. After 30 seconds when you hear that annoying beeeeep, beeeeep, beeeeeep, remove the mug. And Voila! You have a brownie in a mug.

4. Add a ginormous scoop of Ice Cream or frozen yogurt.

5. Consume while watching a chick flick (or anytime really.)

Enjoy this everyone. It is seriously super good.

Love your faces- God bless!


Book Review Numero Uno!

Good Afternoon Internet!

Today is freezing cold! Yay for fall. Today is Monday, and who feels happy on Mondays? Pretty much no one. Except, today I feel pretty darn good. I think it's because I had gold fish crackers on my lunch. Who doesn't like those babies?

Today I decided I would present to you a wee bit of a book review. Ok, well it's more of a book series review, but all the same. I finished these books about a month ago and am still thinking about them. I feel like these people are my friends and I think about them all the time! Seriously!
These books are the Bailey Flannigan Series by Karen Kingsbury, Leaving, Learning, Longing and Loving. You can get them pretty well anywhere you can get books. I know Amazon has them. I got one of them at Coles, and the other 3 at a local Christian store called The Master's Way

I recommend them to every woman. They are more geared to us 20 somethings, but my 13, 15, and 18 year old sisters all read and enjoyed them. My aunt and Mom are also reading them and love them. So ladies of all ages-get them! 

The books are based on the goings on in the life of a young woman named Bailey Flannigan as she finishes high school and sets out to catch her dreams. She comes for a beautiful Christian family, where she is the oldest, and the one and only girl.The books show the joys and struggles of growing up in a houseful of children, as well as the the role of being the oldest, and a good example to her siblings.

The story follows Bailey as she goes out into the world and into a nearly godless culture to be a beacon of light and follows her dreams. It is an inspiring tale of how she trusts God to provide, love and carry her throughout life away from her faith filled family and comfort of home, and how her parent's place all of their trust in God to care for their daughter and to guide her. It shows the struggle of making your faith your own, especially when you're surrounded by people who think you're crazy! 

I found the books to be so touching and so good for my soul. It is comfort to know that striving to be God's light is not easy, but can be done, to know that purity in our relationships may be worth it but is a constant struggle, to know that I am not alone in searching for the path God wants to lead us on. These books are a beautiful example of pure, holy dating relationships for woman, of the need for prayer everyday and to make every moment a prayer, of how family will always be so important, and of how trusting in God is rewarding!

I am a sucker for a romance and these books bring to light one of the most beautiful love stories to every touch paper. But, it is so much more then a good, clean romance novel! It is an inspirational series that you will wish would never end. 

Truly ladies, you need to get your hands on these lovlies! It is such a refreshing change from all the hype around Fifty Shades of Grey (ew-I have not read it and never ever will!) recently. With Christmas coming up, add these to your wish list or pick them up for your daughters, mothers, sisters, friends and granddaughters. You will not be sorry!

Praise be to God for good women like Karen Kingsbury for writing such beautiful tales! Oh, and they are loosely based on her family, and Bailey is based on her newly married daughter Kelsey! Coooool!

Ok-get your bum to Coles!

Love and prayers,

Emily xooox

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pure Love

Ah, hello there Internet!

So, I know it's been pretty well forever since I updated this and I sincerely apologise. My life has, as of lately, been one busy day after another and finding time to sit down and write has been shoved to the bottom of my list.

I would like to tell you that this lovely evening I have finally reached the bottom of that list, but, alas, that is not the case. In reality, I should be shopping for a birthday gift for my brother who turns 11 on Friday instead, but I have moved "write in your blog!" to the top of my 'to-do' list.

I was thinking on my drive home from work today and I decided that I haven't really filled the Internet in on me... So, here is my plan. I am going to tell you a love story. My love story. I can just picture all you romantics out there sighing and wrapping your hand a little tighter around your mug of tea and dreaming of love as you lean in a little closer to the computer screen as if I am going to tell you the secret of love. You're doing that, aren't you?

Haha, ok well in all honesty, you may be disappointed by this story of romantic mushiness, but I think it's cute. First, here is us... My handsome Troy and I this past spring at my aunt's wedding. That is my mother  photo-bombing in the back. She looks like she's yelling at us!

Aren't we so cute? Troy and I met in high school. He was a grade ahead of me, but we had a few friends in common. We started dating when I was in grade 11, and he was in grade 12. I know, some people say that starting dating then was stupid, and maybe they're right. But I think, for Troy and I, we would have drifted apart if we hadn't started then, but argue as you will. 
We started 'hanging out' sometime after Christmas when I was in grade 11. We became fast friends, and in February I went to the Dominican Republic on a mission trip with the school. It was there that I really realized, and admitted to myself that I was indeed in love with Troy, and missed him terribly. 
When I came home we continued hanging out, and he met my family for the first time. He and my dad hit it off when Troy came to pick me up for the first time. They had a long (and incredibly boring) conversation about chainsaws. They have gotten along splendidly since then and continue to bond over manly things like hunting and wood cutting... oh the joys!
Troy finally asked me to be his girlfriend on March 20th 2009. Awe! Our first date was watching Wall-e in his Mom's basement. A movie which neither of us really enjoyed. It has been almost 3 1/2 years since that lovely day.
But, here is the good part. The first Christmas Troy and I were together, after we had been dating for 8 months, he gave me the most beautiful and touching gift anyone had ever given me. A stunning silver Chastity ring. It was called 'an unblossomed rose' and had a delicate rose on the top with a tiny ruby in it. I think the name makes it so much more special! It was his promise to honour, not only me, but our faith. A promise to love me wholly and completely without compromising my purity and dignity. It was one of the most touching moments in my life, and I always wear the tiny band on my left ring finger. There it will stay until one day, God willing, it will be replaced with a wedding band.
Here is a photo of the lovely ring! Isn't it beautiful?

So, there is much more to our love story as each day is a new chapter in our love and devotion, but I won't bore you with details today! But I would love to encourage all couples out there striving for purity and holiness in your relationships. I get it, it's tough!
I really want to stress that although this ring serves as a beautiful reminder to us of our commitment it does not make fulfilling that commitment any easier. Every day is a struggle to keep our minds, souls and bodies pure. There are times when we have fallen to  one extent or another. The important part is that we pull ourselves up, seek forgiveness from God, and from one another and seek to always strive for perfection. 
I truly believe that saving parts of our relationship that belong only to a marriage our relationship is much deeper. By saving sex and avoiding temptations our relationship is so full! We are able to really get to know one another, and most importantly, one another's family. 
I feel so blessed to have Troy, and my family, especially my Mom and sisters who are always calling me to holiness and calling me to be above reproach and avoid temptation. I hope that I can be that support to any of you young woman out there that come across my blog. I want to walk with you on this and I want to be your support and for you to be mine. We cannot do this alone.

Anyway, enough ramblings for one day.

God bless you all!

Em xox