Monday, September 24, 2012

Book Review Numero Uno!

Good Afternoon Internet!

Today is freezing cold! Yay for fall. Today is Monday, and who feels happy on Mondays? Pretty much no one. Except, today I feel pretty darn good. I think it's because I had gold fish crackers on my lunch. Who doesn't like those babies?

Today I decided I would present to you a wee bit of a book review. Ok, well it's more of a book series review, but all the same. I finished these books about a month ago and am still thinking about them. I feel like these people are my friends and I think about them all the time! Seriously!
These books are the Bailey Flannigan Series by Karen Kingsbury, Leaving, Learning, Longing and Loving. You can get them pretty well anywhere you can get books. I know Amazon has them. I got one of them at Coles, and the other 3 at a local Christian store called The Master's Way

I recommend them to every woman. They are more geared to us 20 somethings, but my 13, 15, and 18 year old sisters all read and enjoyed them. My aunt and Mom are also reading them and love them. So ladies of all ages-get them! 

The books are based on the goings on in the life of a young woman named Bailey Flannigan as she finishes high school and sets out to catch her dreams. She comes for a beautiful Christian family, where she is the oldest, and the one and only girl.The books show the joys and struggles of growing up in a houseful of children, as well as the the role of being the oldest, and a good example to her siblings.

The story follows Bailey as she goes out into the world and into a nearly godless culture to be a beacon of light and follows her dreams. It is an inspiring tale of how she trusts God to provide, love and carry her throughout life away from her faith filled family and comfort of home, and how her parent's place all of their trust in God to care for their daughter and to guide her. It shows the struggle of making your faith your own, especially when you're surrounded by people who think you're crazy! 

I found the books to be so touching and so good for my soul. It is comfort to know that striving to be God's light is not easy, but can be done, to know that purity in our relationships may be worth it but is a constant struggle, to know that I am not alone in searching for the path God wants to lead us on. These books are a beautiful example of pure, holy dating relationships for woman, of the need for prayer everyday and to make every moment a prayer, of how family will always be so important, and of how trusting in God is rewarding!

I am a sucker for a romance and these books bring to light one of the most beautiful love stories to every touch paper. But, it is so much more then a good, clean romance novel! It is an inspirational series that you will wish would never end. 

Truly ladies, you need to get your hands on these lovlies! It is such a refreshing change from all the hype around Fifty Shades of Grey (ew-I have not read it and never ever will!) recently. With Christmas coming up, add these to your wish list or pick them up for your daughters, mothers, sisters, friends and granddaughters. You will not be sorry!

Praise be to God for good women like Karen Kingsbury for writing such beautiful tales! Oh, and they are loosely based on her family, and Bailey is based on her newly married daughter Kelsey! Coooool!

Ok-get your bum to Coles!

Love and prayers,

Emily xooox

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