Monday, September 24, 2012

Brownie in a Mug

So last night I was home alone and it was kind of cool in our apartment. I had finished my supper and I decided a chick flick night was in order. And, everyone knows you need chocolate when you watch a chick flick. Am I correct ladies?

And, what is better then brownies? Practically nothing, that's what.

Here she is everyone- the most delicious Brownie and a Mug recipe EVER.

What you need:
-a microwave safe mug
-Cocoa powder
-Brown Sugar
-Vegetable Oil
-Chapmans' Naniamo Frozen Yogurt (optional)

What you gotta do:

1. Place 2 Tbsp each of cocoa powder, flour, brown sugar, vegetable oil & water in your mug. Mix that all together and add a teeny pinch of salt.

2. Place your mug in the microwave and punch in 30 seconds and let that baby bake away.

3. After 30 seconds when you hear that annoying beeeeep, beeeeep, beeeeeep, remove the mug. And Voila! You have a brownie in a mug.

4. Add a ginormous scoop of Ice Cream or frozen yogurt.

5. Consume while watching a chick flick (or anytime really.)

Enjoy this everyone. It is seriously super good.

Love your faces- God bless!


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