Thursday, October 11, 2012

Princesses and Their Princes

Remember as a little girl when you used to look up at your daddy with big eyes full of love and he would tell you that you were his Princess?

Remember when the years flew by and you were thirteen and you looked into the clear eyes of your best friend, now covered in too much make up, and she told you that you needed to start running with her to make sure you didn't gain weight?

Remember when you were sixteen and you looked into the eyes of a handsome boy and he told you he liked you and you were beautiful and you felt like a Princess?

Remember when a young man told you that you were worthless, too much trouble, too needy... and he broke your heart?

We have all pretty well had an experience something like that. Someone built you up and someone tore you down. Someone treasured you and someone treated you like trash. And, somewhere along the way you comprised you to make someone else happy.

But, I am here to tell you that despite all the nonsense you've been fed, one truth remains. Whoever it was that told you that you are a Princess was and is 100% correct. And, if no one has ever told you that, I am telling you now. You are a Princess.

I came across an article the other day that was talking about princesses and how their are a lot of them, but what is missing is their princes. And, maybe that is true to some respect. But is their really a lot of princesses? I am doubtful, and here's why.

Princesses have high standards and they don't compromise. They are pushy and over bearing at times, but they have standards and that is okay! If you decide you are going to remain pure and save yourself for marriage then you should never be asked to compromise that. If you don't demand a man to respect that about you then why in the world would he strive for it?

See, men are goal oriented for the most part. If you have high standards then men see that as a challenge. They want to test themselves to see if they can meet them. But if they see you willing to compromise then they are going to quit trying to meet your standards and give up the chase. It is in our human nature to settle, but don't let that happen.

If you want to be a Princess, go for it! I bet that if you stick to your guns you'll be only meeting Princes, and those silly peasant boys will quickly give up the chase and head for the hills. So ladies, set your sights high and expect all men to be gentlemen and see what happens.

When we are ladies then men want to be gentlemen! Imagine what our world would be like if everyone was like this...crazy good!

But we have to remember that this is two-sided! Ladies, treat your man like a Prince. He needs you to affirm him and tell him how strong he is, how good he is at what he does, what an amazing Father he his, etc. Tell him how fantastic he is and in turn he'll start to affirm you as well!

And men, always treat your woman like a lady :) She is a princess- even when she doesn't act like it!

So, Princesses and Princes- go be the lovely ladies & gentlemen you were created to be!

Praise God!

Em xo

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