Friday, January 18, 2013

11 Things Every Girl Should Know...

I was looking back over my past the other day, and I realized how thankful I was for the things I was told/taught before dating, and what I wished I'd known. I decided to put together a list of what every girl should know before entering the dating world. Number 10 & 11 are the most important...don't stop reading before you get there!

Without further ado, 11 Things Every Girl Should Know:

1. Trust your parents/caregivers. Believe it or not, they are not looking to ruin your life and destroy your chances with every boy you know. They have intuition and insight you may not have because time, experience and parenting has taught them a thing or two.

2. You don't want to be 'hot'. Hot is a temperature. You want to be gorgeous, beautiful, intelligent. Sometimes young men don't understand the difference, and it's okay to teach them. Hot suggests you have a nice, sexy body, which is great. But is that body not also the host of a beautiful soul, and intriguing mind? The answer is yes. Yes, you are so much more!

3. Be a lady, always. Being a lady doesn't mean strutting around like a princess, it means demanding respect by your polite charm. Use manners like they're going out of style, dress your body in a way that would make your grandfather proud, not blush with embarrassment, speak in a way that is uplifting and encouraging, never swear. 

4. Let men be men. Men need to know they are men, so let them open doors help you out of the car, put your coat on, fix your vehicle and talk about how tough they are. Don't let your pride get in the way of those things. Take them as a sincere form of flattery. 

5. Say what you mean. Don't say flowers are a waste of money when you secretly are dying for a man to show up at the door with a beautiful bouquet. You will confuse the poor fellow!

6. Even gentlemen are still men. Men are physical beings, they can't help it. Just like we are emotional and can't help it. Avoid situations for too much physical intimacy, because it can lead you down a dangerous road. Just because a man is a gentleman in every sense of word does not mean is immune to temptation, especially in a dark room, on a bed, with the door closed. Avoid it, for his sake as much as yours.

7. Be smart. Too much to drink or staying out too late can also lead you down a road to temptation, so monitor your alcohol and be home at a reasonable hour.

8. Affirm him. He needs to know he is doing things well. So, thank him and build him up.

9. Defend him. He loves you and you love him. Don't criticize him in front of your friends for the sake of popularity or a laugh. 

10. Discern Marriage. This may be one of the most important things on the list (with the exception of number 11, obviously). Do not date for the sake of dating, or for social status. Ask yourself, "Could I marry this man? Would he be a good husband and father?" You both need to have the expectation that this relationship is for the discernment of marriage and your forever. Pray, pray, pray!!

11. God is always first. Always. You may be head over heals in love with someone, but if God is not first it is all for not. Love God before anyone! Place God first & he will lead and guide you in your relationship. This is the most important thing!! This means praying about your relationship, both alone and with him. Praying together is a beautiful thing and you will be tremendously blessed! Go to Church together- another critical and beautiful thing!

I hope that these are enlightening and useful! May God bless you, and the one you will marry!

-Emily xox

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