Friday, January 11, 2013


Last night my Father and my Brother came over for dinner. My brother had a basketball game, that ended abruptly with a trip to the hospital for a grossly dislocated finger. Since the hospital is near my apartment I called and asked if they'd like to come for something to eat. They accepted the invitation and we had a lovely supper together.

After they left I was thinking of something. First, how rare it is for my father, brother and I to have a conversation, without interruption, that lasted more the two minutes. Not that we don't try to bond or anything, just that in our home, growing up in the craziness, there just wasn't time for sit down, long chats.

The second thing I realized was how important my relationship is with these two men. Awhile ago I had a chat with my Mom about my relationship with my Dad. I was saying how I trust him to help me make decisions about my car, or purchasing a home, because I know he'll do what's best for me, and he knows what he's talking about. She was remarking about how interesting it is how, at the beginning of our lives that is very much the role of our fathers. We trust their judgement and respect their decision making. Then later in life, God willing, when we get married, that becomes the role of our husbands. We trust them to be the head of our relationship and the head of our homes, spiritually and otherwise.

So, I realized that although I am in a committed relationship with a man whom I plan on marrying, I still rely on my father for certain judgement calls. I also noticed that my brother is no longer a little kid, and I have noticed myself going to him with questions about my car, and other such things. I think it's my instinct to go to them because I know that, no matter what, they will stand by me. That is why we see brothers who give their sister's boyfriends a hard time, and men who ask their girlfriend's father for permission before marrying her.

It is so important to let men to men, and to trust them with our heart and souls (be careful and discerning about this, however!) In a world where more and more woman are fighting for independence and feminism, it is important to remember that traditional family roles still have a very important place in our world, as I have mentioned before. Men need to know that their opinion and knowledge is valued. Today, build up the men in your life, don't tear them down!


Emily xo

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