Saturday, June 15, 2013

Large Family Don't Care-Part 2

As promised, here is part two.

This post will focus on the benefits of a large family, and why they are important, not only to the members of the family, but to society as a whole.

1. Being part of a large family never allows for boredom. There is always something to be done. And, if you do have a moment of down time then there are things you truly want to read a good book, watch a show, write a letter, surf the internet. And, you really enjoy whatever you are doing during that downtime.

2. I am never lonely. There is always someone to talk to or hang out with. And, on the very rare occasion there isn't then you embrace the peacefulness of the moment!

3. Someone always has your back. Just last week my sister told me that our brother stood up to a young man that said some very rude things to her. He has her back. It's like having built in body guards.

4. Outfit opportunities are endless. Boys may not appreciate this, but girls sure do! When you have sisters who are close to your size you can share clothes and shoes and it's great!

5. You have a built in, brutally honest opinion panel. Siblings don't tend to sugar coat things. If you want to know how an outfits looks and get a 100% honest answer, ask the 10 year old boy.

6. It is fabulous relationship discernment. When I began dating my boyfriend I wanted someone who would not only love me, but my family. Someone who understood dating with purpose (meaning, discernment of marriage) and who was good with children. A man who was faithful and not afraid to pray. Having a large family allowed for me to see how wonderful he is with children, and how he was not afraid to pray the rosary with my family after dinner when he was over.

7. Large families help you learn about life. Having the 'talk' isn't nearly as bad when you can look around and see the product of it (meaning children). It helps you be better able to embrace the fact that sex is a beautiful thing and nothing to be ashamed of. And, it helps you understand why it belongs only within a marriage.
Bonding and babies people! Bonding and Babies!

8. You have built in friends who cannot abandon you, even if they want to! Muhahahha! Seriously though, I remember going through losing friends and growing apart from friends. It is hard and it stinks. But, knowing I had my sisters at home who would never do that to me was a huge source of comfort.

9. You learn and understand about the opposite sex. Having brothers is fantastic. Because, I am able to understand how their minds work, how to best relate to them, and what they enjoy. This is something I can apply in every aspect of my life when I encounter males in the workplace, school, etc.

10. I never have to question love. I know what love is because I see it active and alive in my parents and siblings. I know what a marriage is supposed to look like, and I know how to love those around me, even when I hate them.
This is the greatest gift.

Go have yourself some big families!!

-Emily xox

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