Saturday, July 27, 2013

Who Needs a Pool?

Maybe at-home swimming pools are, in fact, over rated. Or, maybe not.

The other night I pulled into the driveway of my parent's home after work to this lovely sight.

My Dad works as a carpenter and spends most days building or re-doing homes. Apparently a recent reno involved removing a bath tub. And, somehow that bath tub wound up at our house. I am sure my Mother was thrilled. In his defense, it was behind the garage. Out of sight, at least.

On this particular day the ruthless stretch of merciless summer heat we'd been getting had gotten a little too much for these wee ones to handle. One of my brothers, with the help of a length of chain, dragged this across the yard so it ended up near the hose...and right by our front door. 

An ideal place for a swimming pool, no?

I mean, I can't really blame them...It was hot enough that I seriously considered joining them. But, by the time I got home it was nearly time for supper, and their pool had to close up for the night. Eating sure can get in the way of serious fun, such as this.

I hope you're staying cool this summer...any way you have to!


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