Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Most Beautiful Place

Last weekend Troy and I marked 4 years and 8 months of dating. Typically we aren't big celebrants of the passing months. However, last weekend we wanted to do something we hadn't had a chance to do yet this fall. We hiked up to a lookout point in the town near where he grew up. It was a beautiful day for the middle of October, and a perfect day for the hike and to look at the leaves.

There is absolutely no better way to mark the passing of time in our relationship, and the love God's given us, then to spend in the midst of His creation. I wanted to share a few of the photos we took so you could enjoy the beauty as well.

Apparently I didn't walk quickly enough...there was a lot of "What the heck are you doing?" "Take bigger steps!" "Are you tired?" Haha- I may be the world's slowest walker, but I did enjoy the sights. And, I have the photos to prove it!

Look how handsome he is! I am so blessed!

It was unbelievabley gorgeous- Although, incredibly nerve wracking with the combination of a girl terrified of heights and a dare-devil boy.

It was so peaceful. It reminds you that the simple moments are the best, and that the quiet times are the greatest blessings.

It was amazing to see God's creating unscathed. There was no graffiti decorating the rocks, no tall building blocking our view, no loud trucks rumbling by. Although, there was a little bit of garbage (don't litter!) that we were saddened to see, it was mostly perfect. 

What a goof. Smile nicely for a picture, ya right!

Isn't it stunning?

Pride rock? 

Fall was the perfect time to go. The leaves were lovely.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Fall Decor DIY

I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful season. I can't believe we are half way through October already! I wasn't about to let fall pass by without a wee bit of decorating. I wanted to share with you this extremely simple and beautiful way to decorate for fall. This could be inside or outside, and doesn't take long at all!

What you'll need:
- a pumpkin- the size is totally up to you. If you're putting it on a table as a centerpiece I would go with something smaller, but if it's going outside you could go bigger.
- a sharp knife for carving, a spoon and a pail or bowl.
- some leaves, on branches, pieces of corn stalks, or whatever other fall foliage you desire.
- scissors or sheers

First, you are going to cut a circle out of the top of the pumpkin, like you would when carving a jack-o-lantern.

Once you've cut the circle remove the top to expose the seeds and pumpkins inside. 

Scrape out all the insides, using the spoon, and dump the insides into the bowl or pail. Once I had it cleaned out I rinsed my out, and wiped and dried the outside because I was planning on bringing my into the house.

Now, gather some leaves, branches and whatever else you'd like. Essentially you are going to use this hollowed out pumpkin as a vase. 

Once you have everything you want gathered together you are going to want to measure them against your pumpkin, and see how high you want them once they are inside in the pumpkin. Cut and trim until you're happy with the height, and play around with how you like them in the pumpkin.

And, you're done! Now just decide where you want to put it, and you've added a touch of fall to your house. I hope you enjoy it!

Happy Fall!

Emily xo

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Love Conquers All

When I was on NET (see the NET Ministries tab at the top if you aren't familiar with NET) there was a huge emphasis, not only on youth ministry, but also on team life. Since I was living in close quarters with my five team members, and seeing them literally every day all day it was crucial I learn what being a member of a team really is.

I mean, I have been parts of groups and organizations before, but nothing compared to this. We would always joke that it's like marriage preparation. During our training for NET there was also training specifically on how to love our team members, even when we hated them. It's a funny statement, I know. But, how do we do that? How do we love someone who is so completely different than us and with who we are constantly butting heads?

It is hard.

Loving like Jesus loves, seeing Jesus in those around us and loving Him in that other person, praying for grace to love even when it's hard, and making everything you do about sacrifice is the only way one can do this. Every morning I prayed for my team. I prayed for their needs, for their desires, for the burdens on their hearts. I prayed that I would know how to love them that day, and that my love would help heal their broken pieces. I prayed that God would have mercy on my brokenness every day. I begged Him to teach me, every day, how to love like He loves. I asked for the grace to see His face in the face of my team mates, even at the heart of a heated disagreement. And, I made my life about sacrifice. I learned how to give up myself to serve my teammates. Jesus opened my heart to see that the ultimate sacrifice was His death on the cross for my sins, and that my entire life needed to be a series of sacrifices, small in comparison to the cross, that would ultimately lead me and those I encounter to the foot of His cross, with open arms and an open heart.

We referred to the girls on the team as the "sisterhood" and the boys as the "brotherhood". Not only did I try to constantly serve my sisters and brothers on my team individually, but we also tried to serve as a 'hood. The girls would get together and plan something to honour, thank and life up our brothers. We wrote them songs, cooked for the, brought them coffees, and had nerf gun wars with them. We also made sure they could have time together, as brothers, to bond. And, our brothers did the same for us. They made us gifts, brought us roses, wrote us notes, thanked us for our love and opened doors. It didn't matter if it was big or small things, but we made a point of serving one another.

So what did this do? Not only did my relationship with each of my team members become strengthened, but they also lead and challenged my to get closer to Jesus, and have a new zeal for faith. We now live in all corners of the country and are doing many different is in the seminary, one is in school, one is working for NET...we are all separated by miles and time. However, the relationship I have with each of them is deeper than any friendship I have ever had in my life. I know, without a doubt, that they pray for me. I know the moment I need them they will be here-in person or in prayer. I know I can confide in them and seek wisdom from them. I know they will love me, despite any difference we have or argument we encounter. I know that because of how our relationships were formed on NET that we are as close as family.

I believe having a common faith is the greatest gift in any relationship-be it dating of friendship. It allows a whole new depth, dimension and meaning to the relationship. It eases any doubt that you will be abandoned by them, or that you will get hurt. You know that any rift or separation that forms in your relationship can be bridged because, at the end of the day, you both come back to the same values, to the same God.

That is the greatest gift.

So I challenge you, with your spouse or boyfriend, best friend and worst enemy...serve them. Do little, extraordinary things. Make sure they know you love them, and that you are leading them to the cross. Make sure they know you're always calling them to greater, more beautiful things. And, above all, pray for them. Love them even when they hate you, and especially when you hate them. Love them passionately, deeply, perfectly and beautiful. Love them with the grace of God because Jesus is in them.

To my beautiful team...I adore you, thank you for all you've taught me. I am praying for you, always.

Emily xo

Sunday, October 13, 2013

What do we have to be Thankful for?

Happy Thanksgiving weekend, Canada!

What are you thankful for?

and so, so much more!

May many blessing be poured upon you and your family as you count your blessings this Thanksgiving!

Emily xo

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

From a Farmer's Eyes

Today, as I was driving home from school, I was following an old, white pick up truck down the road I thought of something I wanted to share...

As the truck meandered down the road ahead of me, moving more slowly than I would have liked, in my hurry to get home, I took notice of the driver. The way the sun was in the sky, I could clearly see the driver in the truck...a man, wearing a baseball cap. And, he was, undoubtedly, a farmer. As he drove, his head turned from side to side, from field to field, along the way.

My grandpa's a farmer. When he and my grandmother were married fifty years ago the built up their now thriving dairy farm from scratch. My grandpa is a farmer, through and through. It's always the joke in our family that when you meet him on the road and give him a big wave, he never returns the gesture. No, not because he's rude. He just doesn't see you. When I was in high school, waiting for the bus at the end of our long lane way he drove by us nearly every morning, yet he never once noticed us.

Okay, so maybe this should be a little frightening, him being so oblivious. But, the reason he never sees us is because he's to busy looking around. He isn't being nosy or anything, he's just taking in all the fields and livestock he passes on his way to wherever he may be headed. So, yes, maybe it should be of concern that his eyes are anywhere but the road... maybe driving isn't the best time to be taking in the sights.

However, I think there's a lesson to be learned from this farmer I followed home, and from my grandpa...

They, as the saying goes, "stop and smell the roses", so to speak. I mean, they aren't literally smelling roses, but they are constantly aware of the marvels God has bestowed to us, and that we have the blessing of living in the midst of! They are taking in the beauty of fields being planted, of new life being born, of the damp soil after a mid-summer rain, of the smell of the hay, of the crops being harvested and of the first dusting of snow. They take it all in, and marvel at His glory...maybe they don't even know they're doing it. It just comes as easily as breathing. I think we should all do that-enjoy the world around it. Often we get some caught up in getting where we're going that we forget to take notice of the journey.

Today's challenge- Stop. Take a moment to note God glory around us, right where we are at this moment. Breath in His mystery and magnificence, and thank Him. And, since fall is so incredibly lovely and colourful, this shouldn't be to challenging!

Wishing you a beautiful and blessed day.

Emily xo 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Happy Feast Day

So yes, second post of the day.

I couldn't let St. Francis Assisi's feast day pass without some acknowledgement! I went to confession before Mass this morning, so I thought this quotes was appropriate.

Inspirational quotes - I have been all things unholy; if god can work through me, he can work..

Emily xo

Saving a Life

Today I wanted to share with you a video I stumbled across this evening...

It's a beautiful song about Sami Elefante's life that was saved from the death grip of abortion. I hope it touches your heart like it did mine. Please pass it on.

Secondly, I would like to share this blog with you... It's a wonderful pro life blog that's informative and encouraging!

Many blessings to you,

Emily xo