It took me years to reach the conclusion that this is what I would go to school for. In my heart I have always desired only one thing-to be a mother. I still believe that is what God has in store for me, and my boyfriend and I are sure we'll be married one day. However, personal reasons lead he and I to make a decision that going to school is what I need to do right now. It's my duty of the moment, and where God has called me to be.
In my first month of classes I have learned so many things, I cannot even begin to tell you. It has been a total information overload, both in the classroom and outside. But, the one things I have learned is that my job is going to be service.
The reason I wanted to post about this is not because I want to be patted on the back for choosing to begin a path towards a noble, applaud-worthy career. There are a lot of careers that fall into that category. The reason I wanted to write a post about it is because this program has taught me that service reaches beyond my job.
Yes, when I graduate and, God willing, find a job, I will be working ridiculous hours serving people. But does that mean when I go home I get to stop my serving?
I have been thinking about that question a lot recently. God has certainly placed it on my heart to be pondered and prayed about. And, the answer is absolutely not! As a Christian my entire life is a call to serve others. Maybe you're heard of the "I am Third" idea. Jesus, others, me. First and foremost I must serve my Lord. This means praying without ceasing (sigh, I so wish I was able to do this...pray for me!). it means attending Mass and being active in the sacrifice there. It means thanking Him for everything. It means taking time to sit with Him and listen to Him. It means loving Him in others.
Which, brings us to the second part- Others. I have to serve others through every aspect of my life. This can take a hundred different forms, from literally serving them, to opening doors, to sharing a smile, to giving a hug, to visiting someone. Anything you can think of that may possibly assist another is putting someone else before yourself.
Lastly, it's time to think about me. However, through serving our King, and serving others we have really already taken care of ourselves. If we properly take care of the first two then you'll be taking care of yourselves in ways you cannot imagine.
So, this was a very long, round-about way of saying that the purpose of our very life it to serve. This has been an awesome realization for me (in my heart I already knew this, and have heard it a thousand time, but I needed to have my eyes really opened to this idea because I wasn't truly living a life of service). I am so thankful God has allowed me to see more clearly how I can serve in my every day life, in every moment! It has been a relief for me to know that I don't need a career of service to be fulfilled in a life of service. That may be part of my life of service, but it isn't all encompassing.
God bless!
Emily xo