A few weeks ago a house burnt down. It was late at night and my sister woke me to show me the orange flames that lit up the black sky. Panic is my first instinct. But, we soon learned it was an abandoned house, and the entire thing burnt to the ground that night.
I am thankful the house was abandoned and that no one lost their home that night, and that no one was hurt. But, it was kind of sad at the same time. Because, at one point that was someone's home.
I love old things...I know this sounds silly, but I do. I love elderly people and find them fascinating to speak to. I love to listen to their stories, even when their memory fails them. I love how the look at me with eyes that have been clouded with passing time. I love how the call me dear and hold my hand while I talk to them. I love the wrinkles that are on their face and on their hands because it means they have lived a life that may have not been easy, but was worth it.
I love antique things. I love the history that is told in every scratch and scrape along a tabletop. I love the imperfections in the make of an old chair that means it was made at home, with hours of labour. I love the way antique stores smell and the people who own them. I love that if the furniture could speak they could tell me stories of babies being born, or children with a hurt knee and the Momma who kissed it better. They could tell me of the smell of the kitchen while bread was baking and about the hands of the farmer who guided the plough.
I love old houses. We have a lot of these where I live. Big, old farm houses that are stunning. I love how these houses were made to withstand the tests of time. I love how the floors are crooked, and the stairs are steep. I love how the windows make the world look like you are looking through a fun house mirror, and how the pains rattle when there is a storm. And, I love the stories the walls could tell if they could speak.
Think of all the memories you have with your own family. Imagine what the walls could tell you about everything they have seen in the last 200 years, and of the families who were raised there. They could tell you about the people who walked through the doorway and about the laughter that filled the home. The could tell you about the support the offered when men and woman leaned against them as they gave way to sorrowful tears. They could tell me about babies that were rocked to sleep and that grew up into handsome young men. They could tell me about young ladies dressing in an upstairs bedroom in a beautiful wedding gown. And about how all the crops died one year, and there wasn't enough food on the table. They could tell me stories of love, sorrow and joy; of family, friendship and romance; of laughter, tears and hiccups. Wouldn't that be neat??
I love the memories, stories and history that is held within an elderly person or an old home. It is a beautiful legacy of life and death and one that should be treasured.
-Emily xo
Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Corpus Christi
Happy Feast of Corpus Christi!

"In a world where there is so much noise, so much bewilderment, there is a need for silent adoration of Jesus concealed in the Host. Be assiduous in the prayer of adoration and teach it to the faithful. It is a source of comfort and light, praticularily to those who are suffering. With the Synod Assembly, therefore I heartily recommend to the Church's pastors and to the People of God the practice of Eucharistic Adoration, both individually and in community."
-Pope Benedict XVI, February 22, 2007, Sacramentum Caritatis, Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
A Crappy Girlfriend? Sigh...
I am not going to lie...I am usually a fairly crappy girlfriend. I love my boyfriend more then I can tell you (or him), and I love that he loves me. I treasure our relationship, and pray that if this is God's will, I will have him forever and we will have our happily ever after.
Buuuuttt...I suck at loving him. I know how he feels the most loved, and I know the things he enjoys and what makes him happy. But, I seem to never ever do any of them, or let him do what he enjoys. Thank heavens he loves me despite all that!
I decided to make a list, mostly for myself, of ten ways I can better love my boyfriend. Keep in mind, these are ways to love him and keep our relationship pure, holy and Christ-centred. Maybe they'll help you too.
1. Pray for him and with him. Often and Always.
This will keep both of us centred on the most important things in life, and we will find a love that is extraordinary when we start doing this.
2. Let him be affectionate.
I do not receive or give love through physical touch of any kind. Hand holding, snuggling, etc. usually drives me crazy. I mean, sometimes I am okay with it, and other times I can tolerate it, but a lot of times it makes me cringe. But, I recognize that that is how he feels loved and shows me he loves me, so sometimes I need to be a bit affectionate and allow him to be affectionate towards me.
3. Make him food.
They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. They are not lying. It's true. I love baking and cooking, but I rarely make the time to make him a meal or bake for him. I know he loves when I do, so I need to try to make this a priority.
4. Treasure and value him. Hang onto his every word.
I know that he likes when I take the time to sit there and actually listen to what he says. Sometimes, when he is talking about work (he's an electrician) or other guy type things I totally zone out. I find it hard to listen intently when I don't fully understand what he is talking about.
I have realized though, that is doesn't matter if I understand what he's talking about or not. I just need to sit there and listen to him and ask questions. He is taking the time to tell me, so it is important to him and I need to respect that.
5. Do what he enjoys and don't complain.
There are things that my boyfriend enjoys that I have had a really difficult time warming up to. He loves to hunt. I was (and still kind of am) terrified of guns. It is mostly about the loud noise they make. It has taken me a very long time to take even the slightest interest in hunting. But, you know what, I actually kind of enjoy it now. It has been the same with fishing. But I know he loves that I can enjoy these things and that he knows he has a companion in me. That has made it worth every second.
6. Let things go.
I can be very grouchy. Thank heavens he's a patient man! I have a tendency to bring up old issues when I get grouchy. This is sooooo bad! I need to let things go and accept that he is not perfect (but he's darn close). He is allowed to mess up and hurt my feelings by accident once in awhile, and I need to learn to take care of the situation as it happens and forgive and move on.
7. Stop comparing him.
I am a sucker for Romantic Comedies. I love me a good, sappy love story. But, I have to limit myself because the men in those stories are not real and I cannot be comparing my relationship to those. That is so unfair!
8. Ask and value his opinion. About everything.
This is something I think I am getting better at. I need to let him know that I trust our relationship is in his hands and that I trust him to make good decisions for us. I am not saying I cannot have a mind of my own, but he deserves to be asked when there is a decision to be made. Not only that, but his opinion deserves serious consideration. Don't just ask for the sake of asking.
9. Surprise him.
He has told me that he loves when I surprise him. Not with big things or a party, but just if I stop by unexpectedly. I need to remember that he is important, and I can make time in my schedule to stop by his work with breakfast or just for the sake of saying hello.
10. Really date him.
I need to date my boyfriend. He is not to be taken for granted, and I need to remember that. I need to always be fully present when I am with him, and really, really date him!
I hope these maybe help you in your relationships! And, let's all pray that we can treasure the relationships in our lives!
Many blessings,
Emily xo
Buuuuttt...I suck at loving him. I know how he feels the most loved, and I know the things he enjoys and what makes him happy. But, I seem to never ever do any of them, or let him do what he enjoys. Thank heavens he loves me despite all that!
I decided to make a list, mostly for myself, of ten ways I can better love my boyfriend. Keep in mind, these are ways to love him and keep our relationship pure, holy and Christ-centred. Maybe they'll help you too.
1. Pray for him and with him. Often and Always.
This will keep both of us centred on the most important things in life, and we will find a love that is extraordinary when we start doing this.
2. Let him be affectionate.
I do not receive or give love through physical touch of any kind. Hand holding, snuggling, etc. usually drives me crazy. I mean, sometimes I am okay with it, and other times I can tolerate it, but a lot of times it makes me cringe. But, I recognize that that is how he feels loved and shows me he loves me, so sometimes I need to be a bit affectionate and allow him to be affectionate towards me.
3. Make him food.
They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. They are not lying. It's true. I love baking and cooking, but I rarely make the time to make him a meal or bake for him. I know he loves when I do, so I need to try to make this a priority.
4. Treasure and value him. Hang onto his every word.
I know that he likes when I take the time to sit there and actually listen to what he says. Sometimes, when he is talking about work (he's an electrician) or other guy type things I totally zone out. I find it hard to listen intently when I don't fully understand what he is talking about.
I have realized though, that is doesn't matter if I understand what he's talking about or not. I just need to sit there and listen to him and ask questions. He is taking the time to tell me, so it is important to him and I need to respect that.
5. Do what he enjoys and don't complain.
There are things that my boyfriend enjoys that I have had a really difficult time warming up to. He loves to hunt. I was (and still kind of am) terrified of guns. It is mostly about the loud noise they make. It has taken me a very long time to take even the slightest interest in hunting. But, you know what, I actually kind of enjoy it now. It has been the same with fishing. But I know he loves that I can enjoy these things and that he knows he has a companion in me. That has made it worth every second.
6. Let things go.
I can be very grouchy. Thank heavens he's a patient man! I have a tendency to bring up old issues when I get grouchy. This is sooooo bad! I need to let things go and accept that he is not perfect (but he's darn close). He is allowed to mess up and hurt my feelings by accident once in awhile, and I need to learn to take care of the situation as it happens and forgive and move on.
7. Stop comparing him.
I am a sucker for Romantic Comedies. I love me a good, sappy love story. But, I have to limit myself because the men in those stories are not real and I cannot be comparing my relationship to those. That is so unfair!
8. Ask and value his opinion. About everything.
This is something I think I am getting better at. I need to let him know that I trust our relationship is in his hands and that I trust him to make good decisions for us. I am not saying I cannot have a mind of my own, but he deserves to be asked when there is a decision to be made. Not only that, but his opinion deserves serious consideration. Don't just ask for the sake of asking.
9. Surprise him.
He has told me that he loves when I surprise him. Not with big things or a party, but just if I stop by unexpectedly. I need to remember that he is important, and I can make time in my schedule to stop by his work with breakfast or just for the sake of saying hello.
10. Really date him.
I need to date my boyfriend. He is not to be taken for granted, and I need to remember that. I need to always be fully present when I am with him, and really, really date him!
I hope these maybe help you in your relationships! And, let's all pray that we can treasure the relationships in our lives!
Many blessings,
Emily xo
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Sex Before Marriage: Why or Why Not?
This is a touchy subject, I am well aware of that. But, it is also one that I feel is worthy of discussion. This isn't so much about having sex before marriage as it is about when sex has a place and when it doesn't.
Society often portrays the start of a relationship as when you first have sex.We see that in movies all the time. It is after the couple has sex that they become serious and exclusive. I believe that is so wrong, but I also believe that it is societyies way of trying to make right of something that is morally wrong.
Often times Christians will say how terrible it is that society places so little value in sex, and that young men and women often have so many partners before settling down. I agree with that. However, I think that, although there are tons and tons of one night stands, often times serious and exclusive relationships only begin once two people have had sex. That is because their innermost being is calling out in that moment, and they feel a need for the commitment that accompanies that act. Subconsciously, they realize the error in their ways and are striving to make it right by making some sort of commitment to that person, even if it is only for a couple of days, a month or a year.We are trying to make right of something we know, intrinsicly, is wrong.
This is the truth. Yes, that is deep and profound, so get ready!
Marriage is always before sex. Marriage is the commitment of forever. It is promising your entire self to someone for as long as you live. Til death do us part. Sex is like a binding agent. It is like glue. It solidifies something that is already strong, and it deepens the bond between two people. That is why it is so incredibly heart breaking when it is done outside of a commitment as serious as marriage.
Sex is absolutely beautiful.
It is a wonderful gift that we need to treasure. There is nothing dirty or sinful or evil about sex. That comes when sex (like any gift) is used incorrectly. It should be something we defend and guard, for our sake as much as for the person we will one day marry (whom the gift was originally intended for). The bond that is sex cannot be separated from the act. You cannot have sex without a deep, irreplaceable bond, and you cannot have that same bond without having sex.
That last part is where people so often get lost and confused. Our very beings, right to our core, desire sex. That is a good thing. But a thing to be mastered. I am not married, but I am in a relationship, and have been for over 4 years. I love him with every fibre of my being, and I would be lying if I told you that I didn't want the bond with him that comes with sex. However, I am also aware that there is the slightest possibility God will call me to something different before we get married (this could happen even after you are engaged!!), so I don't want to form that bond, only to have it ripped from me. Break ups are heartbreaking enough without adding the tearing of an everlasting bond created during sex.
People often so badly want to solidify their relationship, and feel that deep bond with the one they love that they decide sex is the only way for that. And they are right, sex is the only way for that, but not right now. There is a time and a place for everything, and I promise you that the time for sex is when you are married.
There are phases in every relationship, and if you have ever dated anyone for any length of time you know what I mean. There is a honeymoon type phase in the early days, where everything is butterflies. Eventually that passes, and you may notice things that bother you about the other person and you'll have your first couple fight. Sometimes that is the breaking part for couples. But, if you get through that then you know there will be a time for strengthening and deepening of the relationship as you get to know this person more and more. As each phase passes and another comes along (this happens throughout your whole life, I just touched on a couple) you see your relationship change, flourish, grow, deepen and strengthen. Sometimes, somewhere in there you are called apart, and sometimes you are challenged to go further. In all of it there is a purpose. All of this is part of the journey of falling in love with a person. Once you've made the decision to marry this person, the growth does not stop at the engagement ring. Often times the engagement is the most temptation filled, and trying time (up to this point) in your relationship, and so you must persevere through that as well. Eventually, when you marry this person, that is when you are ready to make a commitment that is everlasting, and that is the place for sex.
To have sex before this point would mess up the natural progress of your relationship and add undo stress, pressure and confusion. Sex is a joining of the body, mind and soul, and belongs only after the sacrament of marriage has been received! That is when it is able to be experienced in it's full glory. Then, and only then.
I encourage all of you to wait. I cannot tell you from experience, but I can tell you from truth...It will be worth it!
Many prayers,
Emily xo
St. Maria Goretti, pray for us!
Society often portrays the start of a relationship as when you first have sex.We see that in movies all the time. It is after the couple has sex that they become serious and exclusive. I believe that is so wrong, but I also believe that it is societyies way of trying to make right of something that is morally wrong.
Often times Christians will say how terrible it is that society places so little value in sex, and that young men and women often have so many partners before settling down. I agree with that. However, I think that, although there are tons and tons of one night stands, often times serious and exclusive relationships only begin once two people have had sex. That is because their innermost being is calling out in that moment, and they feel a need for the commitment that accompanies that act. Subconsciously, they realize the error in their ways and are striving to make it right by making some sort of commitment to that person, even if it is only for a couple of days, a month or a year.We are trying to make right of something we know, intrinsicly, is wrong.
This is the truth. Yes, that is deep and profound, so get ready!
Marriage is always before sex. Marriage is the commitment of forever. It is promising your entire self to someone for as long as you live. Til death do us part. Sex is like a binding agent. It is like glue. It solidifies something that is already strong, and it deepens the bond between two people. That is why it is so incredibly heart breaking when it is done outside of a commitment as serious as marriage.
Sex is absolutely beautiful.
It is a wonderful gift that we need to treasure. There is nothing dirty or sinful or evil about sex. That comes when sex (like any gift) is used incorrectly. It should be something we defend and guard, for our sake as much as for the person we will one day marry (whom the gift was originally intended for). The bond that is sex cannot be separated from the act. You cannot have sex without a deep, irreplaceable bond, and you cannot have that same bond without having sex.
That last part is where people so often get lost and confused. Our very beings, right to our core, desire sex. That is a good thing. But a thing to be mastered. I am not married, but I am in a relationship, and have been for over 4 years. I love him with every fibre of my being, and I would be lying if I told you that I didn't want the bond with him that comes with sex. However, I am also aware that there is the slightest possibility God will call me to something different before we get married (this could happen even after you are engaged!!), so I don't want to form that bond, only to have it ripped from me. Break ups are heartbreaking enough without adding the tearing of an everlasting bond created during sex.
People often so badly want to solidify their relationship, and feel that deep bond with the one they love that they decide sex is the only way for that. And they are right, sex is the only way for that, but not right now. There is a time and a place for everything, and I promise you that the time for sex is when you are married.
There are phases in every relationship, and if you have ever dated anyone for any length of time you know what I mean. There is a honeymoon type phase in the early days, where everything is butterflies. Eventually that passes, and you may notice things that bother you about the other person and you'll have your first couple fight. Sometimes that is the breaking part for couples. But, if you get through that then you know there will be a time for strengthening and deepening of the relationship as you get to know this person more and more. As each phase passes and another comes along (this happens throughout your whole life, I just touched on a couple) you see your relationship change, flourish, grow, deepen and strengthen. Sometimes, somewhere in there you are called apart, and sometimes you are challenged to go further. In all of it there is a purpose. All of this is part of the journey of falling in love with a person. Once you've made the decision to marry this person, the growth does not stop at the engagement ring. Often times the engagement is the most temptation filled, and trying time (up to this point) in your relationship, and so you must persevere through that as well. Eventually, when you marry this person, that is when you are ready to make a commitment that is everlasting, and that is the place for sex.
To have sex before this point would mess up the natural progress of your relationship and add undo stress, pressure and confusion. Sex is a joining of the body, mind and soul, and belongs only after the sacrament of marriage has been received! That is when it is able to be experienced in it's full glory. Then, and only then.
I encourage all of you to wait. I cannot tell you from experience, but I can tell you from truth...It will be worth it!
Many prayers,
Emily xo
St. Maria Goretti, pray for us!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Why I Refuse 'Tolerance'
Merriam-Webster Definition of:
Tol-er-ance noun
2 a: sympathy or indulgence for belief or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own
b: the act of allowing something
Examples of tolerance
-a tolerance for other lifestyles
We live in a world where the only virtue we are permitted to teach our children is tolerance. And, not tolerance as in the above definition of the word, but tolerance as in accepting and not judging the lifestyles, beliefs, opinions and decisions of anyone else. Our society thinks that tolerance means we will live in a peaceful world, where no one bothers anyone else, under the banner of, "whatever works for them is fine, but I choose (fill in lifestyle or belief here)."
That is not what tolerance is. Tolerance is acknowledging that what someone is doing is in fact wrong and putting up with it to avoid further conflict. We do not tolerate things we love or things we approve of...like puppies, or nice days or children. We tolerate things we object to, like an obnoxious co-worker or a head ache or an annoying student. Tolerating those things does not mean we do not deal with them, it just means we put up with them. It does not mean we don't expect more from those people, and we encourage them to act in the way they are. We choose to address it in a respectful and tactful manner.
So, this is why I am objecting to tolerance. I refuse to 'tolerate' (societies meaning of the word) gay marriage, pre-marital or extra-marital sex, and thousands of other morally incorrect things. Today, I want to specifically speak about Gay 'Marriage' and why I refuse tolerance.
About a year or so ago I posted something on my Facebook page about the traditional and right marriage. That is, marriage between one man and one woman only. The feedback I received was appalling And, keep in mind, this feedback is coming from people I have personal relationships with-family and friends. I could not believe how aggressive people got. One young woman I went to school with even went as far as to say that if I expressed these views publicly in society then I should be prepared for violence and even death. WHAT? Are you kidding me? I should be afraid of someone killing me because I believe in marriage?
But, that's what our world has come to. See, these people (most of whom are Catholic, by the way) who so adamantly agreed that I was being intolerant, disrespectful and judgemental honestly wished death on me. They didn't care what I believe and know to be true, or why I believe it. All they saw was that I was not living up to societies standard of being tolerant of other's lives, no matter what how they live or the decisions they make.
We don't have to accept the things that other people do that are wrong. We don't have to pretend that it is okay with us and that we don't care. We don't accept that a child got beat up on the playground because that is wrong. As Catholics, we believe gay marriage doesn't even exist. It is not a marriage or union of any kind, and if a gay couple choose to live out their lives as such, then it is a sin. Plain and simple. We are not inflicting our beliefs on society by believing that, and we are not at all being intolerant. What we are doing is speaking truth.
I am not saying we need to go about condemning gay couples. Of course we can't do that, because that to is a sin. However, we cannot go about pretending that their lifestyle is fine because it works for them. That too is a sin. Sin impacts the whole of society, even if we cannot see the surface of it. And, our goal, as Catholics, is to be evangelists by our mere existence and we are not doing that by stooping to societies lie that, 'if it works for you, it's okay with me.'
We need to love gay couples, and show them Christ in that love. We need to care for them and teach them and lead them. We need to not pass judgement, nor encourage them and we definitely don't need to 'tolerate' the way they live! We just need to love them, despite their flaws, sins and imperfections. Love like Jesus loves, because, in reality, we have sins as deep as theirs that just may not be as obvious to the whole world.
I could go on and on about this. But, I challenge all of you to protect marriage in it's true & purest form. Never, ever settle or accept anything less. You are not being judgemental or cruel and you most certainly aren't wrong. Be totally, 100% convicted in what you believe, and share that by how you live out your life. Do not be ashamed for refusing to accept what society thinks in correct, and always speak truth.
Always keep in mind what John 15:18-25 says,
"If the world hates you, just remember that it has hated me first. If you belonged to the world, then the world would love you as its own. But I chose you from this world, and you do not belong to it; that is why the world hates you. Rememeber what I told you: 'Slaves are not greater than their master.' If people persecuted me, they will persecute you too; if they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours too. But they will do all this to you because you are mine; for they do not know the one who sent me. They would not have been guilty of sin id I had not come and spoken to them, as it is, they no longer have an excuse for their sin. Whoever hates me hates my Father also. They would not have been guilty of sin if I had not done amounf then the things that no one else ever did, as it is, they have seen what I did, and they hate both me and my Father. This, however, was bound to happen so that what is written in their Law may come true, 'They hated me for no reason at all.'"
Emily xo
Tol-er-ance noun
2 a: sympathy or indulgence for belief or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own
b: the act of allowing something
Examples of tolerance
-a tolerance for other lifestyles
We live in a world where the only virtue we are permitted to teach our children is tolerance. And, not tolerance as in the above definition of the word, but tolerance as in accepting and not judging the lifestyles, beliefs, opinions and decisions of anyone else. Our society thinks that tolerance means we will live in a peaceful world, where no one bothers anyone else, under the banner of, "whatever works for them is fine, but I choose (fill in lifestyle or belief here)."
That is not what tolerance is. Tolerance is acknowledging that what someone is doing is in fact wrong and putting up with it to avoid further conflict. We do not tolerate things we love or things we approve of...like puppies, or nice days or children. We tolerate things we object to, like an obnoxious co-worker or a head ache or an annoying student. Tolerating those things does not mean we do not deal with them, it just means we put up with them. It does not mean we don't expect more from those people, and we encourage them to act in the way they are. We choose to address it in a respectful and tactful manner.
So, this is why I am objecting to tolerance. I refuse to 'tolerate' (societies meaning of the word) gay marriage, pre-marital or extra-marital sex, and thousands of other morally incorrect things. Today, I want to specifically speak about Gay 'Marriage' and why I refuse tolerance.
About a year or so ago I posted something on my Facebook page about the traditional and right marriage. That is, marriage between one man and one woman only. The feedback I received was appalling And, keep in mind, this feedback is coming from people I have personal relationships with-family and friends. I could not believe how aggressive people got. One young woman I went to school with even went as far as to say that if I expressed these views publicly in society then I should be prepared for violence and even death. WHAT? Are you kidding me? I should be afraid of someone killing me because I believe in marriage?
But, that's what our world has come to. See, these people (most of whom are Catholic, by the way) who so adamantly agreed that I was being intolerant, disrespectful and judgemental honestly wished death on me. They didn't care what I believe and know to be true, or why I believe it. All they saw was that I was not living up to societies standard of being tolerant of other's lives, no matter what how they live or the decisions they make.
We don't have to accept the things that other people do that are wrong. We don't have to pretend that it is okay with us and that we don't care. We don't accept that a child got beat up on the playground because that is wrong. As Catholics, we believe gay marriage doesn't even exist. It is not a marriage or union of any kind, and if a gay couple choose to live out their lives as such, then it is a sin. Plain and simple. We are not inflicting our beliefs on society by believing that, and we are not at all being intolerant. What we are doing is speaking truth.
I am not saying we need to go about condemning gay couples. Of course we can't do that, because that to is a sin. However, we cannot go about pretending that their lifestyle is fine because it works for them. That too is a sin. Sin impacts the whole of society, even if we cannot see the surface of it. And, our goal, as Catholics, is to be evangelists by our mere existence and we are not doing that by stooping to societies lie that, 'if it works for you, it's okay with me.'
We need to love gay couples, and show them Christ in that love. We need to care for them and teach them and lead them. We need to not pass judgement, nor encourage them and we definitely don't need to 'tolerate' the way they live! We just need to love them, despite their flaws, sins and imperfections. Love like Jesus loves, because, in reality, we have sins as deep as theirs that just may not be as obvious to the whole world.
I could go on and on about this. But, I challenge all of you to protect marriage in it's true & purest form. Never, ever settle or accept anything less. You are not being judgemental or cruel and you most certainly aren't wrong. Be totally, 100% convicted in what you believe, and share that by how you live out your life. Do not be ashamed for refusing to accept what society thinks in correct, and always speak truth.
Always keep in mind what John 15:18-25 says,
"If the world hates you, just remember that it has hated me first. If you belonged to the world, then the world would love you as its own. But I chose you from this world, and you do not belong to it; that is why the world hates you. Rememeber what I told you: 'Slaves are not greater than their master.' If people persecuted me, they will persecute you too; if they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours too. But they will do all this to you because you are mine; for they do not know the one who sent me. They would not have been guilty of sin id I had not come and spoken to them, as it is, they no longer have an excuse for their sin. Whoever hates me hates my Father also. They would not have been guilty of sin if I had not done amounf then the things that no one else ever did, as it is, they have seen what I did, and they hate both me and my Father. This, however, was bound to happen so that what is written in their Law may come true, 'They hated me for no reason at all.'"
Emily xo
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
A Cup of Coffee, a Giant Mess, Spilt Milk...and a Silly Little Pity Party
Do you ever have one of the phases or stages in your life when everything seems wrong? If you have, you know exactly what I am talking about.
It is one of those times when there seems to be a pile of little, painful things. Like a hundred teeny thorns in your side. Lately, I have been in one of those stages. I am not writing this to complain, although I have been doing a lot of that lately (and I am sooo not proud of that). I am writing this because I think I need to know I am not alone in feeling this way. I am not looking for a pity party...Heaven knows I do not need that. I am not looking for sympathy, although that sounds mighty appealing. I am looking for fellowship and to be able to help, even one person who may read this.
I know things have really not been that bad for me. I mean, I have a home, people who love me, food to eat, a car to drive and a job. I have everything I need. But, that does not mean I am above feeling a little down in the dumps lately. No huge, earth shattering tragedy has turned my life upside down, and for that I am entirely grateful. But, it has seemed that, lately, nothing is going right. Or, at least not the way I want it. All these little things, that on there own seem like tiny life hurtles, have come all at once. And, I have been left in the dust, feeling just a little overwhelmed, sad and, I am ashamed to admit it, but very sorry for myself.
There has been a lot of crying...over spilt milk and other equally ridiculous things.
The other day, over a cup of coffee, I was talking to my Momma. She's a wise woman when I let her be. I was crying (which I don't allow myself do in front of others very often) and sputtering about how things just seemed to be going wrong, and I was just so unhappy and I couldn't figure out what I am supposed to be doing or where I am going. I told her how incredibly frustrated I am because I have been praying and praying and seem to be getting no answer. I was just fed up.
She comforted me, and gave me some advice and words to ponder. But I think the greatest gift she gave me in that moment was just letting me hurt...She didn't try to fix it or explain it, but she just let me cry and hurt and see the mess. She wasn't promoting a pity party or anything, but she just let me lay the mess out there and cry for a few minutes until I was ready to smile again. Of course it wasn't like she waved a magic wand and I felt better, suddenly. But, she let me show her the messiness that was inside me. She let me show her the deepest, most painful, most hurt and scarred, most broken and most shameful parts of me. She let me be me. Totally, wholly and without judgement.
And, that is the most awesome gift she could have given me in that moment. I struggle so much with opening myself up so deeply, so by letting me show her the messy bits, she gave me the confidence I needed to be able to share that with other people in my life, and with all of you. By being able to do that, she has given this gift a thousand times over. She has given me the freedom I needed to show my messiness so I, and those in my life, can somehow discover the message hidden beneath all the layers of filth and grit. She let me be okay with being me, messy parts and all.
That is the most beautiful gift.
Thank you, Momma. I certainly hope I can find the message in this darkness.
-Emily xo
It is one of those times when there seems to be a pile of little, painful things. Like a hundred teeny thorns in your side. Lately, I have been in one of those stages. I am not writing this to complain, although I have been doing a lot of that lately (and I am sooo not proud of that). I am writing this because I think I need to know I am not alone in feeling this way. I am not looking for a pity party...Heaven knows I do not need that. I am not looking for sympathy, although that sounds mighty appealing. I am looking for fellowship and to be able to help, even one person who may read this.
I know things have really not been that bad for me. I mean, I have a home, people who love me, food to eat, a car to drive and a job. I have everything I need. But, that does not mean I am above feeling a little down in the dumps lately. No huge, earth shattering tragedy has turned my life upside down, and for that I am entirely grateful. But, it has seemed that, lately, nothing is going right. Or, at least not the way I want it. All these little things, that on there own seem like tiny life hurtles, have come all at once. And, I have been left in the dust, feeling just a little overwhelmed, sad and, I am ashamed to admit it, but very sorry for myself.
There has been a lot of crying...over spilt milk and other equally ridiculous things.
The other day, over a cup of coffee, I was talking to my Momma. She's a wise woman when I let her be. I was crying (which I don't allow myself do in front of others very often) and sputtering about how things just seemed to be going wrong, and I was just so unhappy and I couldn't figure out what I am supposed to be doing or where I am going. I told her how incredibly frustrated I am because I have been praying and praying and seem to be getting no answer. I was just fed up.
She comforted me, and gave me some advice and words to ponder. But I think the greatest gift she gave me in that moment was just letting me hurt...She didn't try to fix it or explain it, but she just let me cry and hurt and see the mess. She wasn't promoting a pity party or anything, but she just let me lay the mess out there and cry for a few minutes until I was ready to smile again. Of course it wasn't like she waved a magic wand and I felt better, suddenly. But, she let me show her the messiness that was inside me. She let me show her the deepest, most painful, most hurt and scarred, most broken and most shameful parts of me. She let me be me. Totally, wholly and without judgement.
And, that is the most awesome gift she could have given me in that moment. I struggle so much with opening myself up so deeply, so by letting me show her the messy bits, she gave me the confidence I needed to be able to share that with other people in my life, and with all of you. By being able to do that, she has given this gift a thousand times over. She has given me the freedom I needed to show my messiness so I, and those in my life, can somehow discover the message hidden beneath all the layers of filth and grit. She let me be okay with being me, messy parts and all.
That is the most beautiful gift.
Thank you, Momma. I certainly hope I can find the message in this darkness.
-Emily xo
Friday, May 17, 2013
A Message in the Mess?
Last night, on my drive home, I was listening to a local Christian radio station. There was a speaker on there (who's name I do not know) talking to the host about Motherhood, and just womanhood in general. She spoke of some profound things that I thought were worth discussing.
The point of what she was discussing was basically that, as women, we are constantly comparing ourselves. She was speaking of motherhood, in particular, but it is something true of most every woman. One thing that really stuck out to me is when she said that, as a young mother, comparing herself was something she was having a very difficult time with and a friend said to her,
'Don't compare your insides to someone else's outsides.'
How true is that? I am not a mother, but I am a woman, and I try so hard not to compare myself to others, yet I always seem to be. I am not the type of person who likes to share my 'insides'. I hate people knowing that there may be even the slightest imperfection in my relationships, in my family, in my life in general. I am always putting on a face to cover my own messes. And, I know I am not the only woman to do this. So, if all the woman I am comparing my broken insides to are doing the same thing I do, then what an unfair comparison! I mean, I know, in my heart, that people's lives are never perfect, and there are always things going on behind closed doors, but in that moment of comparison that doesn't seem to matter, or hold a candle to their seemingly perfect outside.
This woman also was speaking of her own experiences of sharing the brokenness in her life with those around her. Just the thought of being so brutally honest, even with my closest friends, terrifies me. However, she made a very good point.
If we, as Christians. put on this fake perfect life we scare people away. We may think that we are showing non-Christians what a beautiful life God gives us for following Him, but we are in fact doing the opposite. We intimidate people by this 'perfect' life, and they feel inadequate next to us because all they are able to see is their own failure and brokenness.
Is this making sense?
Anyway, by sharing our imperfection (& I am not saying you have to share specifics, but just the overall struggles) we encourage people to see us as their peers and not as holier-then-thou. We encourage people to come forward, share their own brokenness and open their hearts. When someone opens their heart, that is where God does his best work. So, we need to allow God to use us and our imperfection and brokenness as an instrument to reach those around us. And, most importantly, reach them in the midst of their brokenness, not in their perfection.
So, we need to find the message within our own mess, and allow others to see our mess and see the message. Don't be afraid of letting things get a little messy...it is in those moments where we grow the most.
Here's to sharing our messes,
Emily xo
The point of what she was discussing was basically that, as women, we are constantly comparing ourselves. She was speaking of motherhood, in particular, but it is something true of most every woman. One thing that really stuck out to me is when she said that, as a young mother, comparing herself was something she was having a very difficult time with and a friend said to her,
'Don't compare your insides to someone else's outsides.'
How true is that? I am not a mother, but I am a woman, and I try so hard not to compare myself to others, yet I always seem to be. I am not the type of person who likes to share my 'insides'. I hate people knowing that there may be even the slightest imperfection in my relationships, in my family, in my life in general. I am always putting on a face to cover my own messes. And, I know I am not the only woman to do this. So, if all the woman I am comparing my broken insides to are doing the same thing I do, then what an unfair comparison! I mean, I know, in my heart, that people's lives are never perfect, and there are always things going on behind closed doors, but in that moment of comparison that doesn't seem to matter, or hold a candle to their seemingly perfect outside.
This woman also was speaking of her own experiences of sharing the brokenness in her life with those around her. Just the thought of being so brutally honest, even with my closest friends, terrifies me. However, she made a very good point.
If we, as Christians. put on this fake perfect life we scare people away. We may think that we are showing non-Christians what a beautiful life God gives us for following Him, but we are in fact doing the opposite. We intimidate people by this 'perfect' life, and they feel inadequate next to us because all they are able to see is their own failure and brokenness.
Is this making sense?
Anyway, by sharing our imperfection (& I am not saying you have to share specifics, but just the overall struggles) we encourage people to see us as their peers and not as holier-then-thou. We encourage people to come forward, share their own brokenness and open their hearts. When someone opens their heart, that is where God does his best work. So, we need to allow God to use us and our imperfection and brokenness as an instrument to reach those around us. And, most importantly, reach them in the midst of their brokenness, not in their perfection.
So, we need to find the message within our own mess, and allow others to see our mess and see the message. Don't be afraid of letting things get a little messy...it is in those moments where we grow the most.
Here's to sharing our messes,
Emily xo
Growing Up,
Young Women
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Is Love Enough?
I have always found it a mystery how the English language has only one word for love. It seems like one word is just not sufficient enough to express the true feeling of love. You can 'love' a lot of things. You can love the way it smells after it's rained, or the taste of ice cream. You can love the look of trees budding in the springtime. You can love the way you feel when you walk barefoot across a grassy field. You can love the thrill of being kissed deeply and passionately for the first time, or the feeling you have when you hold someone's hand. You can love holding a little baby in your arms for the first time, and how warm they feel, cuddled next to your heart. You love your boyfriend or girlfriend or fiancée or spouse. You love your children more each passing day. You can love being in love. And, we love God.
And, there is one, single word to describe all of those different feelings. If you have ever fallen in love with someone, then you know that that feeling is entirely one of it's own, and is in no way close to the feeling of eating your favourite food, or the feeling you have about your dearest friend. I have never been a mother, but I know if you ask one they will tell you that the love they feel for their children is yet again totally of it's own, and very unlike the feelings of love they have for their spouse. If you ask any Christian, they will tell you they love God above all, but they use the same word to describe their feeling toward the Almighty God as to tell you about their favourite dessert. Love.
I was thinking about this the other day, and pondering how seemingly unfair it is that our vocabulary is so restricted in this way. I also thought that, if our language provided only one word to express all these feelings, then is it wrong to use it so freely? I mean, people always say, "hate is a strong word.", but is love not even stronger? So, shouldn't we be more careful about how we use the word love, then how we use the word hate? The more I thought about it though, I realized something else. Maybe it isn't all that unfair after all. Maybe it is just right.
Here's what I have concluded... We do not need hundreds of words to describe the hundreds of different feelings we have towards many, many things. God is love. If that is true (which I believe it is), then we cannot have love without God. That means that everything we 'love' is a reflection of the love that God is. We need to love everything then, right?
Really though, our lives are meant to reflect and shine the love of God, and the best, most successful way of doing that is by loving. Think of the most truly joyful person you know. Chances are they love everything. Literally.That is because they have the beautiful ability to see God in absolutely everything. They may not even know that that is what they are doing, but the love of Christ is so deeply rooted within their souls that they cannot help it. We need to love loving, and we need to love even when we hate.
So, maybe, just maybe, love is actually 100% accurate.
-Emily xo
And, there is one, single word to describe all of those different feelings. If you have ever fallen in love with someone, then you know that that feeling is entirely one of it's own, and is in no way close to the feeling of eating your favourite food, or the feeling you have about your dearest friend. I have never been a mother, but I know if you ask one they will tell you that the love they feel for their children is yet again totally of it's own, and very unlike the feelings of love they have for their spouse. If you ask any Christian, they will tell you they love God above all, but they use the same word to describe their feeling toward the Almighty God as to tell you about their favourite dessert. Love.
I was thinking about this the other day, and pondering how seemingly unfair it is that our vocabulary is so restricted in this way. I also thought that, if our language provided only one word to express all these feelings, then is it wrong to use it so freely? I mean, people always say, "hate is a strong word.", but is love not even stronger? So, shouldn't we be more careful about how we use the word love, then how we use the word hate? The more I thought about it though, I realized something else. Maybe it isn't all that unfair after all. Maybe it is just right.
Here's what I have concluded... We do not need hundreds of words to describe the hundreds of different feelings we have towards many, many things. God is love. If that is true (which I believe it is), then we cannot have love without God. That means that everything we 'love' is a reflection of the love that God is. We need to love everything then, right?
Really though, our lives are meant to reflect and shine the love of God, and the best, most successful way of doing that is by loving. Think of the most truly joyful person you know. Chances are they love everything. Literally.That is because they have the beautiful ability to see God in absolutely everything. They may not even know that that is what they are doing, but the love of Christ is so deeply rooted within their souls that they cannot help it. We need to love loving, and we need to love even when we hate.
So, maybe, just maybe, love is actually 100% accurate.
-Emily xo
Happy Birthday, Mom
Today is my Momma's birthday. I am so thankful for her life and that God gave me the most beautiful, loving and caring woman to guide me and help me grow through my life here on this Earth. I am blessed.
Happy Birthday, Momma. I love you, more then words could ever tell you.
Not today, Momma. Not today. Today, there will be the largest slice of pie (or cake, actually) for you. Thank you for all the times you let us eat it... but today we want you to.
Love forever and for always,
Emily xo
Happy Birthday, Momma. I love you, more then words could ever tell you.
"A mother is a person who, seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie."
-Tenneva Jordan
Not today, Momma. Not today. Today, there will be the largest slice of pie (or cake, actually) for you. Thank you for all the times you let us eat it... but today we want you to.
Love forever and for always,
Emily xo
Monday, May 13, 2013
Do it Anyway
"People are often unreasonable and self-centred. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway."
-Blessed Mother Teresa
Always be the very best version of yourself, and give yourself to the world, even when you will receive nothing in return. Thank you, Blessed Mother Teresa, for this wonderful reminder.
-Emily xo
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Happy Mother's Day, Momma!
If you're a Mother, I am wishing you a beautiful, happy & blessed Mother's Day. Please know how important you are, not only to your children, but to the whole of society.
In honour of my own Mom, I am writing a letter to thank her.
Dear Momma,
Happy Mother's Day! Thank you for being the best mother I could have ever asked for or ever imagined. Thank you for always being here, and always placing your role as a Mom before all else. I know I speak for all of us when I say, we are blessed to have you, and we love you.
You have sacrificed so much of yourself to raise all of us, and I hope we make you proud every single day. Thank you for giving up your quiet morning prayer time and cup of coffee for a waking baby who needs breakfast. Thank you for sacrificing fancy dates for a family movie night and watching Toy Story for the hundredth time. Thank you for sacrificing leisurely shopping trips for crazy trips for the grocery store with fussy little toddlers. Thank you for doing without brand new clothes so I could have the prettiest prom dress. Thank you for staying up late because I had a fever instead of going to bed after a very long day.
Thank you for praying for me, always. Thank you for holding my hand and teaching me how to kneel, fold my hands and say my prayers. Thank you for showing me, by your most beautiful example, how to be a woman of God, how to be a woman who has the humility and grace to submit to Daddy, and allow him to lead our home to our Heavenly Father. Thank you for teaching me how to serve everyone around me. Thank you for showing me how to be a kind, loving witness for God and of all things the Catholic Church stands for. Thank you for disciplining me and setting rules so I could learn, strive and grow within them.
Thank you for loving Daddy with you whole heart. Thank you for the way you meet him at the door when he comes home from work, with a kiss and a smile. Thank you for showing me how much you love him, and treasure him, and for teaching me what a good, holy marriage looks like. Thank you for blessing me with all my little siblings. They are my built in best friends, and I treasure the memories I continue to make with them. Thank you for using me as your babysitter a hundred times so I could learn a little bit about taking care of little ones.
Mom, you have shown me that being a woman, a wife and a mother is a privilege and gift. Thank you for never pushing me into a career or school that would have suffocated me. Thank you, for instead showing me that it's okay to want to be a Wife and a Mother.
But most of all, thank you for loving me. Even when I make it difficult. This day is truly all about you. I hope you can enjoy, and that you are able to see just how much you mean to me.
I love you, Momma.
A hundred hugs and kisses,
Emily xo
In honour of my own Mom, I am writing a letter to thank her.
Momma & I at my Prom
Dear Momma,
Happy Mother's Day! Thank you for being the best mother I could have ever asked for or ever imagined. Thank you for always being here, and always placing your role as a Mom before all else. I know I speak for all of us when I say, we are blessed to have you, and we love you.
You have sacrificed so much of yourself to raise all of us, and I hope we make you proud every single day. Thank you for giving up your quiet morning prayer time and cup of coffee for a waking baby who needs breakfast. Thank you for sacrificing fancy dates for a family movie night and watching Toy Story for the hundredth time. Thank you for sacrificing leisurely shopping trips for crazy trips for the grocery store with fussy little toddlers. Thank you for doing without brand new clothes so I could have the prettiest prom dress. Thank you for staying up late because I had a fever instead of going to bed after a very long day.
Thank you for praying for me, always. Thank you for holding my hand and teaching me how to kneel, fold my hands and say my prayers. Thank you for showing me, by your most beautiful example, how to be a woman of God, how to be a woman who has the humility and grace to submit to Daddy, and allow him to lead our home to our Heavenly Father. Thank you for teaching me how to serve everyone around me. Thank you for showing me how to be a kind, loving witness for God and of all things the Catholic Church stands for. Thank you for disciplining me and setting rules so I could learn, strive and grow within them.
Thank you for loving Daddy with you whole heart. Thank you for the way you meet him at the door when he comes home from work, with a kiss and a smile. Thank you for showing me how much you love him, and treasure him, and for teaching me what a good, holy marriage looks like. Thank you for blessing me with all my little siblings. They are my built in best friends, and I treasure the memories I continue to make with them. Thank you for using me as your babysitter a hundred times so I could learn a little bit about taking care of little ones.
Mom, you have shown me that being a woman, a wife and a mother is a privilege and gift. Thank you for never pushing me into a career or school that would have suffocated me. Thank you, for instead showing me that it's okay to want to be a Wife and a Mother.
But most of all, thank you for loving me. Even when I make it difficult. This day is truly all about you. I hope you can enjoy, and that you are able to see just how much you mean to me.
I love you, Momma.
A hundred hugs and kisses,
Emily xo
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Men of Courage
A few weeks ago I posted about the movie Courageous, and how wonderful it was. The thing I loved about the movie was that it encouraged men to be men, and to stand up for their families. It promoted Men of Courage and of good value, and Heaven knows we need more men like that!
When I attended the March for Life on May 9th, 2013 I saw a young man, probably in his late 20s, with a sign that broke my heart. I wish I had taken a photo of him, but I remember what his sign said. At the March, there were of course, pro-choice folks out who were protesting our protest. For the most part they were all gathered together in one area, behind a fence and police officers. There were topless woman tossing condoms into the street at us (yes, thank you pro-choicers, we would love to have condoms. I am not sure if you noticed, but we are actually protesting the use of them) and chanting, "Get your rosaries of our ovaries" (this deserves a whole other post, but I would just like to point out that this chant makes zero sense AND does not rhyme.)
Anyway, back to this young man. He was off by himself, and I actually saw him at a few different parts of the March. He was walking with us I guess, but protesting us at the same time. He was totally alone every time I saw him, and I actually felt very sorry for him. His sad sign read,
When I attended the March for Life on May 9th, 2013 I saw a young man, probably in his late 20s, with a sign that broke my heart. I wish I had taken a photo of him, but I remember what his sign said. At the March, there were of course, pro-choice folks out who were protesting our protest. For the most part they were all gathered together in one area, behind a fence and police officers. There were topless woman tossing condoms into the street at us (yes, thank you pro-choicers, we would love to have condoms. I am not sure if you noticed, but we are actually protesting the use of them) and chanting, "Get your rosaries of our ovaries" (this deserves a whole other post, but I would just like to point out that this chant makes zero sense AND does not rhyme.)
Anyway, back to this young man. He was off by himself, and I actually saw him at a few different parts of the March. He was walking with us I guess, but protesting us at the same time. He was totally alone every time I saw him, and I actually felt very sorry for him. His sad sign read,
"Men- Back off.
It's Her Body!"
I think it is easy for us, as pro-lifers, to look at him and judge him for being a coward. Which, I guess he is. But, in his mind he is doing a great thing. See, I imagine this is what he is thinking... that he is helping to free and liberate women for the awful, traditional men who would embrace their fatherhood, and have a say in what happens to the little life they helped create within a woman's body. But, here is the reality, women don't need men to say, "It's your body, so it's your choice. Do what you want." I think that women think that that is what they want because they are often scared and angry in the face of an unwanted pregnancy. But no woman wants the father of the baby she's carrying to not care what happens to her or their child. She wants a man to help her make a decision.
I am fully aware that a lot of times the decision they make together could still end in abortion, and that saddens me, of course. Because, men who have a say in what happens to their child still may not recognize the new life growing inside the woman as a new person, but rather as a blob of tissue. But this is a step in the right direction. At least men would be stepping up and, recognizing the little one as a new life will come.
We need men to care about life. We need men to have an opinion. Especially in this area! We need men to come aboard the pro-life movement, and recognize their fatherhood. It's cowardly to say it's the woman's decision! Did you not have a part in placing that new life there, sir? Yes, yes you did. So you get a say in what happens next (and I hope and pray that that say is one for life!). Our world needs men of courage to stand up for life, and help women instead of 'liberating' them.
Thank you, so, so much for every single man who defends life. You are doing a wonderful, beautiful thing. Thank you for acknowledging your role and your Fatherhood. You are a credit to your gender.
Please join me in praying for this young man...and for all other men who join him in this passive viewpoint of abortion and in their wrongly placed passion for women's rights.
God bless you,
-Emily xo
Thank you
Friday, May 10, 2013
Gendercide? What in the world?
Give us the grace...When the sacredness of life before birth is attacked, to stand up and proclaim that no one ever has the authority to destroy unborn life."
-Blessed Pope John Paul II
Yesterday I had the wonderful privilege to participate in the National March for Life in Ottawa, Ontario. I cannot thank everyone who made that possible enough. I am so incredibly thankful that I have a job and employer that allowed me the time off to make the trip to Ottawa yesterday. I am grateful for our local pro-life association for doing all the leg work to get a bus together so I didn't have to drive down. I am thankful for the hard work and dedication of the hundreds of people who put in countless hours to organize and fund such a massive rally. I thank the hundreds of Police Officers who showed up to keep the March as peaceful as possible, even if they did not agree with what we were doing. And, I am so thankful for the 20 or so thousand people who showed up from, not only across the country, but from other countries as well.
But here is what I am most thankful for. I cannot express how thankful I am today that I live in Canada, and that I am able to be a part of a peaceful protest like this. Because, today I am alive. I have not been shot and killed for publicly expressing my opinion on life. I have not been physically injured, or forced into hiding.
See, there are many things wrong with Canada, and I am often ashamed of what my country stands for. However, I am well aware that being able to stand up and protest my opinion that, Canada not having any law about abortion is incredibly unjust, is something I would not be permitted to do in many parts of the world.
That being said, I would like to talk a little bit about my experience yesterday at the March.
First of all, the number of young people there was truly unbelievable. It makes my so proud of, not only my generation, but of the next. We need more and more young people protesting this injustice. I think it in so wonderful that we are able to recognize that we are missing a great number of our generation, and that that is outrageous and unfair. So, if you were a young person out there yesterday, thank you for taking the time out of your busy lives to come.
Second, I would like to remark on the media. EWTN was there to cover the March, which is amazing. Click here for details on when the segment will air. The March was also covered by some other, non-Catholic, media sources, which is a step up from other years. However, this is what blows me away. Yesterday there was a grand total of 25, 000 people in front of the Parliament Buildings. 25,000 pro-life advocates. Did you get that? 25,000. That is a lot of people. Now, imagine there was some other protest going on at Parliament Hill, and that many people showed up. Would that not be front page, breaking news worthy? I'd say yes, more then likely. But, when there are 25,000 people peacefully (at least for the most part) protesting the unjust murder of millions of babies in our country (this year specifically focusing on female gendercide), there was very little (and even less accurate) news coverage. Is our country really that terrified of people peacefully defending infants?
I have a few other things I want to say on this topic, but those will wait for another day. I don't want to bore you! So, thank you if you defend life from conception to natural death- Remember that "if the world hates you, you know that it hated [Jesus] before it hated you." John 15:18
Keep praying for those wee babies! And, God bless you for your efforts!
My sister, Katie and I.
-Emily xo
Young Women
Monday, May 6, 2013
A New Mr. and Mrs.
On Saturday, May 4th, Troy and I attended a beautiful wedding ceremony for friends of mine. I could barely contain my joyful tears as I watched Sarah's father walk her, a stunningly beautiful bride, down the aisle of the lovely Church, as the musicians played a lively, gorgeous song. Beneath her veil, Sarah's face glowed. When they reached the end of the aisle her father lifted the long veil from her face, kissed her cheek and gave her away.
But, the most beautiful part was Tyler's face as he watched his bride walk down the aisle toward him. The love for her was so evident in his eyes and in his smile. It made my heart happy to witness the kind of beautiful love he had for her.
The rest of the ceremony was wonderful. The love Tyler and Sarah had for one another was so clear. And, even more clear was their love for God. They loved Him first, and loved one another because of Him. That is the greatest gift of all.
Congratulations Tyler and Sarah! My love and prayers are with you as you begin your new life together!
-Emily xoxo
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Quote of the Day- Marriage
Today I am attending a wedding. I love weddings! But, this is extra special, because my dear friend, Sarah, is marrying the love of her life!
Congratulations Sarah and Tyler! Endless prayers and love.
"A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers."
-Ruth Bell Graham
-Emily xo
Friday, May 3, 2013
I Do, Forever...
All I have ever wanted to be when I 'grew up' was a wife and a Mom. I wanted to get married to the handsomest man who loved me more deeply and passionately then I had ever been loved before. A man who would promise to love me and care for me until the end of time. I wanted to share my heart and my home with him, and I wanted him to be the caring, loving, perfectly imperfect father of my children.
And, I wanted to experience a growing stomach as a baby formed in my womb. I wanted to feel a little one move and kick. I wanted to know my body was housing a beautiful new life, and I would have the privilege to give birth to a little baby God had given my husband and I to raise and lead to Him.
When I thought about my future it was always may safe place, so to speak. The place where my simple dreams for a wonderful life lived. I believe that is the life God is calling me to, and looking forward to that life has always been a haven of sorts.
However, as I got older I realized society has a very negative idea of my dream life, and it's because of societies warped view on motherhood and family that I find myself full of anxiety about my future. I have been openly told that my boyfriend and I are too young to be in love, and if we get married it won't last because it's our first relationship. I have been told I need to go to school before I can get married, because otherwise I will not be able to afford an excessive life. I have been asked why I would want to have a house full of children. I have questioned on my sanity for believing marriage is forever, and in-disposable, and that sex before marriage is out of the question.
Society destroys family before it even has a chance to begin. I am privileged to have been raised in the home I was. My Mom had 9 children, and stayed at home to raise us. My father worked hard and was the spiritual leader of our home. We had more then what we needed. This background has given me the backbone I need to stand up to societies pressures and opinions. I am not saying they don't effect me, because of course they do. But, I am better able to preserve what I believe in because of my faith, and the guidance I was given growing up.
Some people are not as blessed as I am. I know young women who have come from broken homes, but so desire a future like I feel called to. Without faith, and without a solid family base, it is hard to stand up to society. It's a challenge to persevere in a good, family oriented life when society tells you otherwise, and when you are constantly looked down upon for having the opinions that they do.
As a society we need to work on readjusting this warped view of family and marriage. We need to promote sex within marriage, good, holy couples, lasting and committed marriages, child-rearing marriages and love. True love; not lust.
We need to heal the hurt in the world by starting at home. We need to begin within our own homes, and be an example to a starving, hurting world.
Pray with me for healing hearts!
Emily xo
And, I wanted to experience a growing stomach as a baby formed in my womb. I wanted to feel a little one move and kick. I wanted to know my body was housing a beautiful new life, and I would have the privilege to give birth to a little baby God had given my husband and I to raise and lead to Him.
When I thought about my future it was always may safe place, so to speak. The place where my simple dreams for a wonderful life lived. I believe that is the life God is calling me to, and looking forward to that life has always been a haven of sorts.
However, as I got older I realized society has a very negative idea of my dream life, and it's because of societies warped view on motherhood and family that I find myself full of anxiety about my future. I have been openly told that my boyfriend and I are too young to be in love, and if we get married it won't last because it's our first relationship. I have been told I need to go to school before I can get married, because otherwise I will not be able to afford an excessive life. I have been asked why I would want to have a house full of children. I have questioned on my sanity for believing marriage is forever, and in-disposable, and that sex before marriage is out of the question.
Society destroys family before it even has a chance to begin. I am privileged to have been raised in the home I was. My Mom had 9 children, and stayed at home to raise us. My father worked hard and was the spiritual leader of our home. We had more then what we needed. This background has given me the backbone I need to stand up to societies pressures and opinions. I am not saying they don't effect me, because of course they do. But, I am better able to preserve what I believe in because of my faith, and the guidance I was given growing up.
Some people are not as blessed as I am. I know young women who have come from broken homes, but so desire a future like I feel called to. Without faith, and without a solid family base, it is hard to stand up to society. It's a challenge to persevere in a good, family oriented life when society tells you otherwise, and when you are constantly looked down upon for having the opinions that they do.
As a society we need to work on readjusting this warped view of family and marriage. We need to promote sex within marriage, good, holy couples, lasting and committed marriages, child-rearing marriages and love. True love; not lust.
We need to heal the hurt in the world by starting at home. We need to begin within our own homes, and be an example to a starving, hurting world.
Pray with me for healing hearts!
Emily xo
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Quote of the Day- Love your Love!
You and I are the best team of all.
You are my best friend and the love of my life, my heart, my soul, the one I want to be with each and every
You are the one I want to cheer me on through life.
Your arms are the ones I want to comfort and support me.
I love how when you and I work together we can do anything.
-Karen Kostyla
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