Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Better You

A few months ago I was talking to a woman who is Catholic, but no longer attends Mass. We will call her Lydia. She told me a story about how, years ago, she had been quite ill, and unable to go to Mass for sometime. When she finally was able to return one Sunday, a woman came up to her, and said some things that insulted and hurt her, about how she had been away from Church.

Maybe that was not the other woman's intention, but nevertheless, Lydia felt hurt. And, maybe worse, Lydia felt this woman was being a hypocrite. Here she was, attending Mass on a regular bases, and acting in a cruel manor. 

This got me thinking about a couple things. 

First, have I been that woman? Have a said something to someone that hurt them, and lead them to believe I was a hypocritical Catholic?

And second, is that a valid reason to quit going to Church? I know some people will disagree with what I have to say about this second point, but so be it. 

I think no, that it isn't a valid reason. I think it's an excuse. A Church is a holy, beautiful place that is only perfect before any humans enter it. God is the only perfect thing, and when He is in the Church building, residing in the Tabernacle in the Eucharist, the Church is perfect. But, the flock is made up of imperfect pieces. That's us. We are far from perfect, and we mess up and we hurt one another. 

Sin and pain exists because we exist. And therefore, we cannot go into a Church, expecting ultimate perfection and peace from anyone other then God. We can hope and strive for a peaceful place without hurt. In fact, we not only can, we should! But, that isn't reality. We need to know that the people who attend Mass are not perfect, nor are they claiming to be. In fact, they are openly admitting that they are sinners, in need of help and guidance. They are admitting their tendency to hurt others and to sin, but are trying to be better.

I am not saying that we need to accept when people hurt us. Of course we don't. As people we have the responsibility to correct those around us, in an attempt to help them prepare their souls for God. We need to call people out of sin, and to a greater good. But, we also have to understand that when people hurt us, they too are human. It's a lot of pressure to put on someone to watch their every move and to always expect perfection. Instead we need to expect that they are striving for perfection, and that we are all in this together, and need to help one another.

Part of being human is our tendency for pride (a sin!). It's challenging to admit we need help, and that is what going to Mass is all about. So, often time people look for excuses to not attend Mass. They make not even be consciously aware that they are doing it. We look for an 'excuse', which is what someone saying or doing something wrong gives us. We say, "Faith is personal, I don't need the institution of religion. Everyone there are hypocrites."

Faith is personal, of course! But we do need a community. We need people to call us to holiness and to help us grow in a deeper personal relationship with our Father. And, the people who fill the pews may seem like hypocrites,  but really they are just trying to get to Heaven and overcome their temptations. Same as you are.


Emily xo

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Quote of the Day

"One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure."

Go have an adventure today!

God bless,

Emily xo

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Dealing with Stress

This week has been so very stressful. My life has been crazy, and I have been feeling quite overwhelmed. I am sure I am not the only one feeling this way, so I wanted to share with you my tips for dealing with stress in our lives.

1. Pray.
I think this is something we know in our hearts, but when we're in the middle of a stressful time it is often the thing that we are quick to forget. Not only is this the perfect opportunity to ask for strength and grace to preserve through the tough times when no human ability can, but it also has an incredibly calming effect on one's soul!

2. Breathe.
You have probably heard people say, "Just breath!" But, that is wayyyy easier said then done!  Really take a moment to clear your mind of all your worries, and take a good deep breath. Literally, breathe deeply. It will help put everything into perspective. 

3. Be Thankful.
Once you've taken a deep breath, take a moment and be thankful. Be thankful for your breath in that moment, and for everything that is going right in your life (that second part may take a minute to figure out). Be thankful for this moment, because it will never happen again!

4. Remember the Purpose.
At the end of the day, when it's all said and done, what is the purpose of what you're doing? Maybe you're stressed about money & making ends meet. But, at the end of that day, what is the purpose of that money? More then likely, it's so you and your family can live. The purpose is your family. So, remember that you have them, and that is the most important thing.
And, remember that our ultimate purpose is to bring glory to God. So be sure your life is giving glory to God, and that you are preparing your soul for Heaven. Be an example of that to everyone you meet...and nothing else matters.

5. Talk it Out.
If you're anything like me, you hate talking about what is wrong. However, I find when I am able to talk things out, either with God, Troy, my Mom or a close friend, things seem less dramatic. And, they can sometimes offer wisdom from the outside. When we are too close, or too emotionally involved in a situation it's challenging for us to get a good outside perspective, so talking it out with someone can often help.

6. Take a Break.
 Allow yourself a break. Maybe you only have a five minute break, but take advantage of it. If you really enjoy tea, make yourself a cup. Or go for a walk around the block. Just remove yourself from the stress. If you can't physically escape, just allow your mind to turn off for a couple minutes.
If you are able to go away for the weekend, do it! Take a good book and plan something relaxing, that you'll really enjoy and allow yourself the break.

7. Keep a Picture close by.
I find that having something special to me close by when I am stressed helps calm me down. Family photos work well. If work is stressing you out, keep a photo of your family from a vacation, or some fun memory, on your desk to look at. While you look at it, say a prayer for each one of them. It will help ease your mind & calm your soul.

8. Cry.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with crying. Give yourself permission to break down and sob. Give yourself permission to have tears flow for as long as they need to. It can be a wonderful release of pent up emotion!

9. It Could be Worse.
Put it in perspective. Things could be worse, and somewhere someone is having a worse time then you are. 

10. Take a Nap and Just go to Bed!
Sleep is a wonderful thing, and has the power to revive you, and totally turn your outlook around. Go to bed earlier, or have a nap if you can. Remember, things look brighter in the morning.

This one is so important that it should begin and end the de-stress process. Pray!!

I hope these help! I am praying for you also. Remember, someone will always love you.

Emily xox

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Quote of the Day- Family

"Family is the most important thing in the world."
-Princess Diana

I think Princess Di had it all figured out. Family is the beginning, middle and end- the very most important thing.

God bless you all.

Emily xo

Monday, April 22, 2013

Dear Boys

My younger sister is in high school & is boy crazy. I know that this is nothing profound. Most high school girls are boy crazy, and she is no exception. But, it's funny being six years older then she is & witnessing the boy-craziness with an outside perspective, and it is definitely igniting a fiery passion in me to protect her poor little heart.

High school wasn't all that long ago for me, and I don't think high school boys have changed that much. So I know what it's like, and I decided to write a letter to all the boys that will date my little sisters. Here goes...

Dear boys who will date my little sisters,

I am sure you're a nice boy. I am sure you have good, pure intentions (or at least you better). And, I am giving you the benefit of the doubt. But, that doesn't mean I won't give you a hard time. Don't take it personally, I am just being a big sister.

I know my sister in a way you will never have the privilege of knowing her. I have a bond with her that you will never separate, and at the end of the I will be here for her when you can't. When you hurt her feelings, or when she's angry with you, she will come to me, and if you break her heart, I will be here cleaning up the mess you walk away from. When she's trying up with a birthday gift to knock your socks off, I will be the one she calls. And when you first reach for her hand, I will be the one she tells.

No matter how old you are when you meet her, I knew her and loved her first. And, she will always be my baby sister. I fought with her first, hurt her feelings first, told her I loved her first, held her hand first. Before you knew how she felt about you, I knew. Before she first smiled at you, she smiled at me. And, before she met you, I held her when she cried. I told her stories late at night to make her smile and get her to sleep. I read her Franklin a hundred time. And before she is your girlfriend, she is my sister, and I will always protect her heart.

If she loves you, I love you. If she spends every second of every day talking about you, I talk about you too. I may never tell you, but you are important to me because you make her smile in a way I never can. She loves you in a love that makes her insides have butterflies and makes her heart happy. And I would never, ever wish that love away.

So, treat her like the princess she is. When she's angry, thank God for her passionate spirit. It's a family trait you'll never weed out of her. When she cries, hold her, wipe away the tears, and tell her you love her. When she's stressed out, bring her chocolate, and pray with her. When she tells you secrets, hold them close to your heart, and recognize the honour it is to know her heart that way, because not many do.

Pray with her and for her. She deserves a prince, and if you can rise to the occasion, pray for your own heart also. Pray for the strength to love her purely and innocently. Pray for guidance and discernment in your relationship. And, pray God will make you a man worthy of her heart.

I know that if you're dating her you already know how wonderful she is. How beautiful, how stunning, how faithful, how passionate, how caring and how sweet. As time passes you will learn her every fault, and every good point. Each day you will discover more and more about her. That is a blessing. Love everything good about her, but don't love her because of the good things. Love her because she is human, and because she messes up. And love her through absolutely everything.

If you have the honour of holding her heart, for this moment, for a season or for a lifetime, remember the gift God has given you, and treasure it. Remember to care for it and to always call it to growth, and to be better and better with each passing day. Challenge her. And never forget how you won her heart, because when all else fails, go back to that moment and remind her why she feel in love with you by your actions.

If this relationship is new, let me tell you a secret. If you want to win her heart, you have to win all of us...yes, all 10 of us. If you can get a place of honour in the hearts of our parents, of me, of our 4 brothers and our 3 other sisters, then you will get a greater place of honour in her heart. This is no easy task, but if you are right for her, you will accept this challenge, and work so hard for it because you know how worth it it will be.

And, just so you know, flowers and chocolate are always a good idea. Never listen to what she says...she really does want them. Unless she's on a diet. Then just go with the flowers. :)

Lastly, and most importantly, take her to Mass and love God wayyyy more then you love her. This is crucial to a good, holy relationship. You will be able to love her with a depth you've never known if you always put God first. And, you'll get some wonderful love in return. And, your relationship will be greater then either of you have ever dreamt.

I hope to get to know you better, and I hope for your sake that I like you. I'm just kidding...If she does, I will. But treat her right, okay? No need for a broken heart here. You know her fiery passion, and you don't want it aimed at you. Trust me. I have experience.

I am praying for you. Just know that, even if I give you a hard time, I am always praying. Because, at the end of the day, she's my little sister and I adore her, and I am trusting you with a piece of her heart.



"If you don't understand how a woman could both love her sister dearly and want to wring her neck at the same time, then you were probably an only child."
-Linda Sunshine

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Acts of Service

I believe that we were placed on this Earth to serve. This kind of ties into my Am I Third? post.

God first. Others second. Me third. Always. Every single moment of every single day.

That's hard. Really, really hard. I think in some ways it's easier to serve God, because we knowHhe deserves it. We know He is above us and He is merciful and deserves endless praise and service. I think it's way more challenging to serve others (which is really how we can best serve God), because we see everyone as our equal, and Satan prays on that weakness by planting a little voice in our head saying, "Why should I have to serve someone who is equal to me? Especially since they never serve me. They are no better then me, so why should I lay down my life for them?"

But that is a slippery and scary slope, because that is what sent the fallen angels into Hell in the first place. God wanted them to serve humans, and they felt they were better then us and didn't want to serve us. Do we really want to head down that path. Um, no!!

I thought I would do a post giving you some tangible, solid ways to serve those around you. Especially, but not limited to, those in your own home, because as Blessed Mother Teresa says, "Love begins at home by taking care of the closest ones- the ones at home."

1. Make coffee in the morning.
Wake up a few minutes earlier and put a pot of coffee on for everyone in your home who drinks it. Pour it into everyone's favourite mugs and doctor it up the way the like it. Write a little note to each person with a little compliment or thank you, and deliver the note and coffee to them.

2. Pick up coffee.
Are you sensing a theme? People often feel so loved by little, simple gestures like this. Pick up coffee on your way to work for a co-worker. Try choosing someone you maybe don't know all that well; someone you wouldn't typically think of.
OR Take coffee to your spouse/sibling/boyfriend at work.

3. Let someone go first.
Let someone else have to first plate of food tonight at supper. They may not even notice this sacrifice, but do it anyway. If your wife usually serves everyone before herself, fill up her plate first and yours last.
OR Let the person behind you in line at the store go ahead of you. Even if you're in a rush. We aren't good at taking our time, and we always rush. But let someone else go first even if it means you'll be five minutes late.

4. Hold the door open.
Open the door of the house/car/store/work for your spouse or siblings and strangers. If you're a woman, don't snap at a man for being a gentleman. Accept the gesture. Men, ignore the snapping women and open doors anyway. It's kind, even if they get angry because you are taking away their feminist right to open their own doors.
And women, open doors for others. It's helpful and nice. And, I find when I open doors for people they often say, "thank-you" and chat with you. You may restore someone's faith in the kindness of humanity.

5. Use your manners.
Always use your manners. This shouldn't have to be said...but it needs to be.
Thank your husband for going to work. Thank your wife for changing your baby's diaper. Thank the person who pumps your gas (yes, it is their job, but they are often under appreciated). Thank the person serving you your morning coffee, even if they put too much cream in. Thank your boss for telling you to come to work on Saturday, because it may be a pain, but you're grateful for your employment. Thank your child for being quiet while you tell your spouse about your day. Thank the person who let you turn left at their green light, even when they can't hear you.
Say 'please' when you ask for the salt, and when you ask your child to hurry so you won't be late, and when you're asking your co-worker to take your shift so you can make it to your daughters ballet recital.
Say 'Excuse me' when passing in front of the person who is looking at the pasta sauce at the grocery store, and when you cough, and when someone is in your way.
Just use your manners, okay?

Anyway. there is five ways to serve to start you out. I hope they help!!


Emily xo

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Rainy Thursday Cuppa Tea

Today I am so thankful for tea. It's awfully wet here this morning, and a warm cuppa tea is just the thing!
Rainy days are always good writing days. Or reading days. Or napping days. Or movie watching days. Basically anything that involves a couch, warm blanket and TEA!
Did you know tea is actually super good for you? I mean, besides tasting wonderful it actually has amazing health benefits. I wanted to tell you all about a few you may not be aware of, or at least I wasn't until I did some research.

1. Research has shown that tea may actually help in reducing your chance of having a heart attack, or other cardiovascular diseases. 1

2. Tea has been shown to protect people from a wide variety of cancers. 2

3. Tea may also make you age more slowly, because consuming green and black tea can protect your skin from harm of UV rays that can cause wrinkles and even skin cancer. 3 & 4

4. Drinking green tea regularly can help your skin in other ways as well. It can actually improve skin's elasticity. Tea contains EGCG polyphenol, which can help fight bacteria on the skin, and promote heathy, clear skin. Tea, especially green, can help with inflammation and swelling on your skin, and can help with skin conditions, like acne. Using products on your skin that contain green tea extract can also aid in the health of your skin. St. Ives has a good one, or you can check here for some simple ideas of how to use green tea on your face. 4

5. Drinking tea can actually promote great oral health. It can prevent decay of your pearly whites, and fight against bad breath. The fluoride present in tea can help protect against cavities, and the catechins (or antioxidants) help fight bad breath (halitosis) by killing bacteria that is in your mouth. Tea also contains calcium and magnesium. That helps in teeth and bone formation and strengthening. 5

6. Who doesn't want to fight some body fat? Green tea has high amounts of catechins, which do this amazing thing called blocking fat. Yay! The especially benefit the abdominal area. The catechins also help burn fat, by activating enzymes in the body that aid in metabolism. Studies have also shown that the EGCG polyphenal found in green tea actually helps you gain weight more slowly. Who doesn't love that? 5, 6, 7

Anyway, if these don't make you go get yourself a cuppa tea, I don't know what will! Be sure to check out all the link in this post (I know, there are a lot this time), because that's where I did all my research about tea. It's pretty fascinating, actually. And, there are benefits I didn't even touch on in this post.

Cheers and blessings,

Emily xo

Links I used...
1. Taken from here. See number two on Reasons to Love Tea.
2. See Number Three on this page.
3. Taken from this study.
5. Find out about oral health benefits of tea from this Canadian Living article.
7. Science Daily study on green tea benefits.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Black Bean Brownies

Now I know what you are thinking...but I promise, they are not disgusting. I am trying to not eat sugar, or at least drastically limit my intake. I came across this recipe on Youtube actually, on Meghan Rosette's channel. Click here for the video she made on how to create these brownies.

Anyway, I made these the other day, and of course forgot to take pictures while I was making them. Sorry. But, they are not bad at all. They are not sweet really, but I will vouch for the fact that they do a good job of curbing a craving for a sweet dessert.

They have no flour or sugar, and are fabulous for not having either of those ingredients! So, here is the recipe (I did make some changes from Meghan's original recipe.)

1 can of black beans (I used black canned turtle beans)
1/4 cup of unsweetened cocoa
1/4 cup of honey
1/2 cup of apple sauce (unsweetened)
3 eggs
1 Tbsp. Vanilla
Pinch of salt
Grated, unsweetened chocolate.

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
2. Using a blender or food processor, blend all ingredients (besides grated chocolate) until smooth.
3. Grease a square, 9"x9" baking pan, and pour in the mixture. Grate chocolate on top (as much as desired).
4. Place on oven, and bake for approximately 30 minutes, or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean, and brownies seem to be pulling away from the sides of the pan. Turn after 15.
5. Let cool for at least 20 minutes before serving.

I ate mine with some 0% sugar strawberry yogurt and it was so delicious. It would also be good with sugar free ice cream, or frozen yogurt.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy them! I will insert pictures next time I bake them. Sorry I forgot this time.

-Emily xo

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Quote of the Day - Dealing with the Boston Tragedy

In light of the horror that took place at the Boston Marathon yesterday I wanted to do a quote of the day that may provide a little comfort for those who lost a loved one, or just need to make sense of the heartbreak.

"God has said, 'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.' So we say with confidence, 'The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.'
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."
-Heb. 13:5,6,8

My prayers are for Boston right now, and for peace in a troubled time. And, for everywhere in the world where people struggle to see God's face amidst sorrow. Let us all cling to Jesus, and not ask for answers, but for comfort.


Emily xo

Monday, April 15, 2013

'Honor Begins at Home' - 'Courageous' Marriages

The other night my family & I watched the movie Courageous. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it! This wasn't the first time I had seen it, but it had been awhile. Anyway, one of the lines of the movie really struck me, & I wanted to share it with you.

One of the men in this movie says something really simple, yet profound, when speaking to his friends & co-workers.

"People do not fight for their marriage any more...divorce happens because people make it an option."

I am not here to pass judgement on anyone, and I know that terrible things sometimes happen behind the doors of marriages. There are legitimate reasons for some divorces, or actually, annulments, if that's the case. But I am not getting into that today. Today I am just talking about the option of divorce.

I think the most important thing to remember is love is not a feeling. Sometimes we feel love, but not always. Sometimes your spouse will drive you crazy. Sometimes the things you loved about them when you first met turn into the things you cannot stand. But, that's what being in love is. It's dealing with the big and little things. And, I think that most people have the wrong idea when they enter a marriage.

They may feel in love. They may think, "I could spend the rest of my life with this person." But, in the back of their mind there is this subconscious voice of years of society influence saying, "But if you can't, that's okay too. If you stop feeling in love with them, you can get a divorce." I am not saying people enter into marriages casually because they know they have an easy out, but I am saying that that thought does cross their mind, and they may not even be aware of it. It's terrifying that society has that much power over us.

What needs to happen is, when people enter into a marriage, they agree it is worth fighting for. How did you win the other's heart in the first place? You fought for them. Probably not physically (but you never know), but you fought to win their love and affection, and once you had it you felt in love. If it's true love, it doesn't end because the feeling goes away. You still love them, you just may have to fight harder to see the fruits.

We cannot enter into marriage, knowing it's disposable if it doesn't go the way you planned. If that's the mindset we have, it is over before it began, because we never gave it a chance in the first place. We allow ourselves an easy escape when things get tough. And we have all heard that saying that 'anything worth having is worth fighting for.'

This is true in every area of our lives, and it is even more true in marriages!

Anyway, the quote speaks for itself, and I am sure you could have done without my ramblings, but it is something I feel passionately about! If you are married, keep this quote in your heart, and don't let anything remove it! And, if you are not married, treasure this quote, and keep it close because you may need it one day!

"People do not fight for their marriage any more...divorce happens because people make it an option."

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Quote of the Day

Happy Sunday, Everyone!

"In reply Peter and the apostles said, 'Obedience to God comes before obedience to men.'"
-Acts 5:29

For Mass readings, check here.

God bless!
-Emily xo

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Am I Third?

Last night I was teaching a Theology of the Body for Teens class. The focus for this chapter was using vs. loving, and willing the complete good of another in all your relationships.

It's funny how, even as a teacher of the course, you learn some fascinating insights. I obviously knew the difference between loving and using, and, on a surface-y level, always strived to want the good of another person, as opposed to using them for my own selfish reasons. But, I realized I am not all that good at loving after all. More times then not, I want things my way, even if I don't admit it. I use people I know for drives, for someone to hang out with and for excuses, and most of the time I don't even know I am doing it.

As I was teaching the lesson to the girls last night I was doing some serious reflecting on my own relationships; dating, family and friends. I was recalling how I have felt in the past when I knew I was being used by someone. I felt like crap. I was angry and annoyed and built up frustration towards them, without ever really addressing the issue. I hate the feeling of being used.

I don't mean being used in a sexual way and then being tossed aside. Thank you God, for never allowing me to experience that pain. But, I have been used by people who only keep me as their friend in case no one else wanted to hang out, or by people who were only kind to me when they wanted a drive somewhere, or by people who took advantage of my inability to say 'no' when asked to do something or help with something. And, I still hold resentment for some of those people.

I also realized that the people I have used in the past were probably well aware of the fact I was using them. I don't mean I used them all the time, but I did take advantage of their kindness, selflessness, and time on more then one occasion. I more then likely made them feel like crap. But, all of those people still love me.

I can't say the same for the people who I have felt used by. Most of those people I have driven out of my life, thinking it would be easier to remove them then to have to face them and admit they'd hurt me. How pathetic is that? I can't even forgive them and move on! Yet, the people I have used continue to love me and do what is best for me. They are nearly always selfless, and put me ahead of themselves.

Now I am  embarrassed to say this, but I use God all the time. When I am overwhelmed, stressed out, angry or don't know where to turn, I run crying to God. Which is fabulous, right? Except when things are going perfectly I often forget to stop, thank Him, and pray for someone who's life maybe isn't going so smoothly. And, yet, He still always loves me. Always. He never, for even a second, stops. If He stopped loving me, I would cease to exist.

Mind blown.

Here is the King of the Universe, who has the power to stop loving me, and therefore end my mere existence, and He never does. He knows every inch of my heart, and he knows the deep-rooted selfishness that lies there, that no one on Earth can see, and HE STILL LOVES ME!

And here I am, being all selfish and unable to forgive those who use me. Sigh...

Anyway, the point of this is to challenge you to love others. To always put their will before your own.

I am third.

Care to join me as we strive to always be third? Let's keep one another accountable here!

Many prayers and love,

Emily xox

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Simpler Time...

I am fascinated with the Amish. I have been since I was an early teenager. My Mom always used to tell me I was born about a hundred years too late, because since early childhood I have been enthralled with the simplicity of a life without clutter-physical, emotional and spiritual. As a young girl, I adored Little House on the Prairie. I could not get enough of the books, show or movies.

I was probably twelve when I read my first Beverley Lewis Series, Summerhill Secrets, featuring an 'Englisher' living in the heart of Pennsylvania Amish country. I was addicted. Now, nine years later, I still devour books about the Amish.

I am Roman Catholic. My parent's brought me up this way, and I have found everything to be absolute truth regarding Catholicism. I pray God will continue to bless me with my gift of faith. Nothing in the world could change my heart about being Catholic, so I am not saying I am heading to Pennsylvania to join the Amish or anything! Just that their way of life fascinates me.

I think we all, to some degree, crave simplicity in our lives. And, I think the Amish have hit the nail on the head in this department. Now, I am not saying I am heading out to get rid of every modern convenience, because many of them are great blessings in my life. But, I am talking about de-cluttering.

We are all guilty of over indulgence. In what we eat, in what we buy, in what we wear. I don't know about you, but I can be quite impulsive. Out picking up some things at Wal-Mart...cute shirt for $20 distracts me and somehow winds up on the counter as I check out. Sigh... I always feel guilty by the time I get home, thinking I did not need that shirt. Of course I didn't need the shirt. I have about 25 jammed into my dresser drawer already. Heaven knows I don't need this one!

I'll admit, my will power to walk away is fairly pathetic. The Amish do without things all the time. It's like constant Lent. Their will power to do this floors me! I so pray that I can be disciplined in the small things as they are in the big things.

Mark 10:25
'It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the Kingdom of God.'

Because, at the end of the day, does it matter if we had all the money in the world or if we learned discipline and self sacrifice for the glory of God, and as penance on Earth to bring us closer to our ultimate goal- Heaven?

-Emily xo

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Stolen Innocence

Over Easter weekend I was at my grandparent's house. I am the oldest of over 30 first cousins on my Mom's side of the family, so there are always lots of little ones running around. While I was sitting at the table I overheard a conversation between my 14 year old cousin, her Mom, and our Aunt.

I wasn't eavesdropping, I promise.

At one point the conversation got a little louder, which is how I ended up over hearing it in the first place. My cousin was expressing her annoyance at her Mother. Annoyance which stemmed from her Mom not letting her drink at parties.

I tried not to let my mouth fall totally open (I was eating, so I am sure everyone around me was also grateful I was able to achieve this). Did I mention she is 14...in grade 9? When I was in grade 9 we went to my friend's house, walked to the near by store, bought a container of icing and ate it while sitting on the grass. We talked about boys, who we had never actually had a full conversation with, but we were hopelessly in love. We talked about upcoming school dances, because we genuinely enjoyed tearing up the dance floor with our ridiculous moves we called dancing. We laughed about the class clowns. We teased one another about crushes and our cheeks turned every shade of red when his name was mentioned. The most rebellious thing we did was stay up all night in my friend's living room, eating toast with honey. The only boy we saw was her older brother. And the only alcohol we saw was the beer bottles he piled into the trunk of his car.

Maybe I am dating myself...but really, how can grade 9 change so drastically in 6 years? This dear, sweet, beautiful young woman is the home to the little curly haired angel that used to beg me to play house with her or push her on swings. Who used to find every mud puddle on the face of the earth, with the constant company of my younger sisters. Who had big brown eyes that used to shine innocence and love. She's no little girl any more.

It breaks my heart, not that she is growing up, that is only natural, but that alcohol is a rite of passage in her mind. She wanted so badly to "just have one." at the parties her friends all went to. Her Mom had told her she couldn't go to parties until she was in grade 10...which is only 6 short months away. But, in her mind it was an unfair rule, and 6 months was a lifetime.

My aunt just said, "Oh honey, it changes you. Once you start into that you're aren't who you were. You're Mom is right." She is right. Although the drinking and partying didn't start in grade nine for my classmates, it did start. It began, and now, three years after we've graduated, it hasn't really stopped.

I am by no means 'anti-alcohol'. In moderation is can be a lovely treat. But, when you're fourteen, moderation isn't in your vocabulary, let alone your mind. Especially after that first sip.And, I think that after you start into the party and drinking scene, it's hard to get out. I have friends who dedicate every weekend to one party or another. And, it's fine if you go to see your friends, hang out, and have a drink. But when you wake up every Sunday with a hangover worse then the last, it's a difficult trap to get out of.

I have friends who are getting married now. I have friends who are in their third year of university, working so hard to kick start a career. I have friends who are expecting babies. And, I have people who were my very best friends in high school that I hardly see any more. Those are the people who have a hangover every weekend, and whose lives revolve around the next party. I am not saying they aren't successful. Some of the are. In fact, one graduates from school this spring. But, are they really growing up? I don't see them any more because I have a problem with their partying. I don't see them any more because we have no common ground, because when their weeks are consumed with building a successful future, and their weekends with consuming as much alcohol as possible, when is their time to sit and have a girl's night? When is there time to catch up and reclaim that common ground where we both found friendship once upon a time?

There isn't.

I know I am generalizing. But, from my experience, this whole party scene is a recipe for disaster. Brad Paisley's song, Alcohol, comes to mind. He makes light of it, and it's a comical song. But really, who wants to live their life like that? And, why in the world are we letting fourteen year olds think this okay? Why are we glorifying something which can cause so much pain?

Anyway, the point of this rant is that we need to find a balance. We need to find that spot where alcohol can be enjoyed without destroying. We need these sweet young ladies and gentleman to understand that alcohol is not needed for their to be fun, and we need to teach them ways to have fun without relying on substance. And, we need to show them that 'cool' and 'grown-up' don't mean alcohol. Isn't there something better that they could see as their rite of passage into an adult world? Maybe when they're, say, twenty? Haha!

Please join me in praying for these young people. They so badly need a revival.

St. Maria GorettiSt. Aloysius, St. ValentineSt. Philomena- Pray for them!

-Emily xo

Friday, April 5, 2013

Happy Easter!

Alleluia, He is risen! A very happy and blessed Easter season to all of you! How exciting!

Photo from http://tweeting.com/top-10-happy-easter-facebook-timeline-cover-photos-free-download-websites

For most people, Easter began and ended last weekend, but that is actually just the beginning. The Octave of Easter is now in full swing, ladies and gentlemen. So let the celebrating continue! It's the high holy season- so bring on the feasting!!

After forty days of fasting, many people look at the Easter season as a time to break the fast, which it is. For example, if you have a deep love and passion for chocolate, you may fast from it for the Lenten season as a way of having solidarity with our Lord, and as a means of self discipline and denial. And then, come Easter when we celebrate our risen Lord, you break the fast and can once again eat your beloved chocolate! In moderation, of course. No gluttony for us!

But I got to thinking...sometimes we fast for from things that we struggle with in our life. Maybe biting your nails, watching pornography, binge eating, masturbation, holding grudges, anger, etc. These are things which are detrimental to our well being- physically and spiritually. Most importantly, spiritually. And, the end of Lent should not signify the end to these sacrifices. No, in fact, it should be the mere beginning of a lifetime fast from these things. Lent is like weeding the garden that is our soul. We want to remove the weeds at the root, and be rid of them for ever. That is how it should be with these types of items.

This Lent I fasted from make-up. Make-up is not a sin! However, I didn't only fast from make-up as a means of being in solidarity with my God during his Passion, and as a means of self-discipline. Although it was for those reasons as well. I did it also because the Holy Spirit gave me the grace to see one of the many flaws in my life.

I am prideful.

I am prideful in a lot of areas in my life; in my relationships (I will never admit they may not be perfect for fear of my pride being slashed), in my work (I am always proud of what I accomplish-to a shameful point where I no longer give the glory and praise to God) and in my looks. But there seemed a tangible, clear way that I could slowly begin to weed out the root of my pride, and that was not wearing make-up. This would allow me let go of my ridiculous, selfish pride of my appearance, and allow others to more clearly see God in me-which is the whole point of my very being.

 My face and skin was a mess during Lent. I have never struggled with acne or any other skin problems. I can probably count on my fingers the number of pimples I have had. But, God used this opportunity to humble me (I was also praying the Litany of Humility-He got me good!), and make me see beauty within myself that I didn't see before. A beauty that comes only from loving Him. And, a beauty I hid from others by always clothing myself in a cloak of pride.

Anyway, the point of this long winded entry is that we all have weeds that need picking, so ask for wisdom to see them, and take this Easter season to do some soul 'Spring Cleaning'!

Many blessing and lots of love,

Emily xo