Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Start of Something New

In June I wrote a post wishing my little sister, Mary, a happy graduation. She graduated from 8th grade from a small, local school of just over 100 students. It was an exciting, nostalgic day for all of us, I am sure (I still cannot believe that was me 7 years ago...time flies). 

On September 3, 2013, the day before her 14th birthday, Mary will begin a new part of her life. High school. I am proud & excited for her. But, part of me wishes she could hold onto her innocent youth for just awhile longer. High school is hard, & I know she'll be fine, but that doesn't stop my over-protective big sister sense from going into overdrive. She has a good head on her shoulders. I know she'll succeed. I still worry, though. Of course. 

Anyway, today I was thinking about my first year of high school & how hard it was for me to find my identity in a new, larger school, with girls who could be downright mean. This morning, on my way to work, I heard the song, My Wish (Rascal Flatts). That was the song that played as I walked down the aisle, out of my high school, in my cap & gown, 3 years ago. 

If you've never heard the song, go have yourself a listen. I love it. And, it never fails to take me back to that packed school gymnasium 3 years ago, where I met my Mother's tear filled eyes that glowed with pride. I loved high school by the time I graduated. I had made some wonderful friends, the best memories & had truly given it everything I could.

Maybe you're starting high school this year...I wish you all the best. It does get better, I promise. Do not be afraid to be yourself. It's the best version of you  that you can be. Get involved- that is the best way to find people interested & passionate about the same things you are. And, it will pass as quickly as it arrived. Treasure the moments as they come, and thank God for every opportunity He gives you to be His light, even when it seems impossible & fruitless.

I am praying for you, no matter what chapter of life you're beginning this fall. Maybe it's motherhood, maybe it's a new career, maybe is collage... Whatever it is, He is with you!

Emily xo

Friday, August 30, 2013

Quote of the Day-The Word of our King

I start school on Tuesday. I am not at all excited. I wish I was, even a little bit, but I am not. Yesterday I was talking to a friend of mine, and she reminded me to give everything to God. She reminded me to lean on Him when I am weak, because even when life seems bleak, He is always there. This quote was a good reminder for me today. I hope it is for you also.

God is eternal

May you always know God's with you, even in the darkest hours!

Emily xo

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My Dear Princess...

For years now I have been writing letters to my future husband...they are hidden away in a box, & written on lined paper, in a note book, scribbled on a scrap of baby, jotted down on a pink sticky note. I have always known one day I would get married & have a family. I know, in my heart, that that is what God has created me for, & I am always discerning life, & feel drawn back to that.

I cannot wait to be married to the man God created for me. For me. He created someone to be my companion, best friend, love and confident. Someone to love me like the Princess He created me to be.

But, today I realized something. Not only do I wait in hopefully anticipation of being married, but I also wait for the day I will (God willing) be blessed with the gift of Motherhood. What a lovely gift that would be! I was inspired to write (& share with you) a letter to my future daughter, if I have one.

My sweet, wee baby girl,

What a precious gift you are! That is my first prayer for you...that you will always know what a precious gift you are. I thank God for your life, & for every perfect piece of you. I pray you'll always know how dear you are to me, how much I love & adore you.
My darling, I promise to love you, unceasingly. Even, when I am tired, life fights to bring me down, I am angry and annoyed...I promise to love you. Please, forgive me for the times I don't show it, but please know I do love you, even then.
Dear little girl, my love is far from perfect. Only one, Holy & Almighty King can love you perfectly. Cling to that love when you feel the world is failing you. I pray you may, even in the darkest days, feel His great, abundant & everlasting love. Nothing you do, think or say can ever make that love falter. The love your father & I show you may sometimes fail you, because of our poor, sinful selves. But, the love of our God, it will be there, with open arms...every moment of every day. Know that, dear one.
As I write this, I am not even married yet. But, I know one thing for certain. The man who is your father will love & adore you. He will treasure you & you will be his Princess. He may not always know how to show you, but when he kisses your bo-bo, he is saying, "I love you, little one." When he reaches for my hand & kisses my lips in front of you he is showing you how love is supposed to look, and he is saying, "I adore you." When he holds you on his lap, showing you how to steer the truck, he is saying, "You are so beautiful, I love you, baby girl." When he changes the oil in your car, he is saying, "I love you." He is saying it the only way he knows how.
As time passes, you will grow. You will notice my teary eyes as I watch you reach milestone after milestone in you life. I am not crying because I am sad to see you grow, I am crying at how quickly time snatches away these moments. I will love watching you become the young lady God intended you to be, but I will be sad knowing soon you won't need me to hold your hand or tuck you in at night or read you stories. Time takes the moments too soon for my liking.
Baby, remember that I too am I daughter. I know what it's like, and I have been where you are. Even though you won't believe me, I truly do understand. If life has taught me anything it is this: you will always be a daughter. You will be our baby even when you have your own. And, you will always be the daughter of your Heavenly Father.
Not only will you always be a daughter, but you will always need your parents. No matter how old you are, or how much experience you've gained, there will always be comfort in calling your parents to ask them questions. Trust me, your grandparents can attest to this. If it wasn't for them I could not be here now. And, age is no factor in how often you will call upon your Father. Never underestimate the power of a prayer. He is always there, waiting to help you. You will always need Him. I promise you that.
So, sweet girl, please know your Momma loved you, even before you were a twinkle in her eye. You will be my whole world, and I will love every moment of getting to know you.
I adore you, Princess.
Love, your Momma

Monday, August 26, 2013

Catholic Canadian? Can I be Both?

I am a Canadian, and a Roman Catholic. I take pride in both of these facts, but have discovered that one, by far, outweighs the other when it comes to how I live my life & how I define myself. Sometimes I cannot be both a Canadian AND a Catholic.


What does it mean to be a Canadian Citizen?
According to the Canadian Government it means to have these values;
Equality, Respect for Cultural Differences, Freedom, Peace, Law & Order.

Does that not make this nation sound like some sort of Utopia? Yes, of course it does. That is why we are so multicultural (Google "what does it mean to be a Canadian"- you will find tons of articles headlining that we are multicultural).

Equality sounds lovely, doesn't it? In the Government article linked above it describes equality in this way;

We respect everyone's rights. Everyone has the right to speak out and express ideas that others might disagree with. Governments must treat everyone with equal dignity and respect- two other fundamental Canadian values. 

Perfect? Well, maybe not. Here is the thing-everyone is not equal. They should be, but they are not. This nation has taken equality to mean that every person should have the rights to live as the wish, not as they should. And, as a Roman Catholic, I often disagree with how they go about this.

For example- I believe that homosexuality is spiritually immoral. I believe it to be sinful, detrimental to society, a mental illness/imbalance. I believe homosexuality is wrong. Always.

Now, I believe people who are homosexual deserve to be treated with the same dignity and respect as every other person on the planet, but I also believe that they are living lives of hardship, sin (if they are practicing their homosexuality), and lives that can, ultimately, destroy their souls.

I know it is my responsibility, as a Catholic, striving for Heaven, to help, guide, and encourage them on paths that will get them to Heaven (God willing). This means I still speak kind words, I still open doors for them. It means I visit with them and befriend them. It means I live my life in a way that exemplifies the teachings of the Catholic Church, in every aspect of my life. It means that I may never have to use words to tell them that the cross they've been given in life, like all our crosses, can lead them far from the gates of Heaven. It means my very life will, hopefully, be ministry enough to bring them home to our God.

As a Canadian, I am expected to smile & say, "good for them!" as Pride Parades sweep our nation every summer. It means I am not permitted to be uncomfortable by public displays of affection, involving two people of the same gender (even if I would be repulsed by the same display between a man & a woman). It means I cannot say that I believe homosexuality is a temptation, a cross, or a sin.

As a Canadian, I am expected to take the meaning of "equality" as everyone is the same, and others may live their lives as the wish- be it as homosexuals, pro-abortionist, those engaging in pre/post-marital sex...the list goes on.

As a Catholic, I believe everyone person is given crosses to bear in life. We struggle with different temptations for sin, and battle interior battles often. Homosexuality is one of those crosses. It is a temptation. I acknowledge that. I am always amazed when I hear stories of men & women who struggle with homosexuality, and are able to choose lives of chastity and purity. What a challenge that must be! See, homosexuals are called to lives of purity & chastity, the same as every other single person, dating, engaged and married couple are (here for more information). To not live in that way is a sin. No ifs, ands or buts.

As a Catholic I know that equality means treating everyone as my brother & sister, and loving them, despite their imperfections. I know it means encouraging & helping others out of their temptations for sin & into lives of fulfillment and faith. It means leaning on my brothers & sisters in Christ when I am weak & struggling with my own crosses.It does not mean applauding behavior that is morally detrimental, but rather calling people out of that and into lives where they can be truly happy.

As a traditionally Christian nation, I understand what the Canadian government is striving for. They have taken good, solid Christian values into account when building up this country but they are misinformed on how to properly execute their implementation into our Provinces and Territories. We have taken everything to an extreme to avoid stepping on anyone's toes or insulting anyone. Those are good intentions. However, they have forgotten to take into account that maybe not all behaviors, ways of life, procedures and ideas are appropriate, life-giving, fulfilling and good. Every good society needs restrictions, guide lines and rules. We are imperfect humans, all of us, and we cannot live without rules of some kind. So, where does this "to each his own" mentality draw it's line? It seems very blurry to me...

-Emily xo

Friday, August 23, 2013

A Child's Dream

Today I wanted to introduce you to our Play House.

My Father works as a carpenter. Often they are left with scraps from jobs that will end up the dump. My Father's boss will, a lot of the time, send them home with Dad if he think he'll have some use for them at home. So, over the course of a year or so, Dad collected some siding, windows, cupboards and doors. 

A few summers ago, my Father set to work on this, our Play house. It's less like a play house, and more like a little cabin, really. It has beds, and is often used for extra sleeping quarters in the warmer months.

As we enter, please excuse the brother was is currently using it as his 'room' for the summer...and his cleanliness leaves something to be desired. Sigh.

There are 3 windows, plus the door (which also has a good sized window in it) in this 10' by 12' space. It's bright & cheery & cozy. This windows looks towards the back of our property, away from the road. As you can see, there is a small tree growing against this side.

The door faces the laneway. You can see the little bit of grass before the gravel of the laneway. Our house is across the laneway. You can see the gazebo in the picture, which is part of our deck on the house.

Again, please excuse the mess *cough* Braeden *cough*. There is one set of bunk beds, pictured here, and one single bed (at one point there was 2 sets of bunks). The single bed runs along the back wall. It forms an 'L' shape with the bunks, and the head of the single bed is at the head of the bunks.
The window here faces the front of our property, towards the road.
P.S. Usually there are actually sheets on the beds, not just sleeping bags.

This chair was from an old set we had in our house many years ago. It sits along the wall facing the back of the property. The chair is turned towards a TV my brother moved out there to play X-Box on. 

This last window is opposite the door, and overlooks part of our garden, and the soy bean field. I like this view best, I think.
The single bed runs under this window, and to the left of it there are cupboards for extra storage, along with the TV my brother moved out there (which, clearly I forgot to take pictures of).

This is kind of a bird's eye view of the inside. It's cute & cozy & we love it. The carpet is an old one from our house, and the curtains on all the windows were made by my Mother.

I hope you liked this little tour! I love it, and I was 19 when it was built. It would have been my dream as a child!

Emily xo

Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Legacy of Faith

On Saturday August 10th my Aunt & Uncle welcomed their first little baby into the world. It was an exciting day for my family, and we cannot wait to meet sweet, little Maria.

She is being baptized at their Parish, about 2 hours from here, on Sunday afternoon. We are anxiously awaiting the day she will be welcomed into the loving home of the Catholic Church, and they day we will all get to lay eyes on her for the first time.

I wanted to take a moment, not only to welcome little Maria into the world, and into the Catholic Church (on Sunday), but to touch on the beautiful gift of new life...and large families. I wrote 2 articles, here & here, back in June about the gift of large families, and the criticism they often face. Today, I want to explain to you about my family.

Both of my parents are one of eight children. My Mom is one of the older ones in her family, and my Dad one of the younger in his. Mom's family is with whom I spent/spend most of my time. I am close with them in proximity (for the most part) and in relationship.

My grandparent, Mom's parents, have one of the most beautiful relationships I have ever seen. When I was in high school we had a fire at our home, and my entire family stayed at my grandparent's house for a few weeks before Christmas. It was then, when I was living under their roof, that I truly got to see their relationship in action. They are so genuinely kind to one another, all the time. But, more then that, they have a faith that has withstood many, many trials and temptations. They still pray together, every single day. That is what has made their relationship so incredibly strong, and what created the pillar that their wonderful family is built on.

This November my grandparents will be married for 50 that time the have purchased and built up an extremely successful family dairy farm. They have raised a house full of wonderful, solid children who love and respect them. They have experienced death, and the lose of close family. They walked their daughters down the aisle, one at a time. They watched as their sons found beautiful wives, and promised to love them forever. The saw their family "go forth and multiple" {Gen.9:7} as their first grandchild (me) was born 21 years ago. They have experienced sorrow as they tore down the house they raised their family in, for safety reasons. They have watched in vain as the farm they worked so hard to create, was reduced to a flaming pile of rubble. They began from scratch, rebuilding a farm and a legacy of hard work & dedication. They stood by and supported their children as difficult decisions were made. They stood by at endless baptisms, First Communions, Confirmations, graduations and sporting events, as they watched their children, and then grandchildren grow. And, this September they will welcome their 33 grand child into the world.

In 50 years they have supported, raised, loved, forgave, taught, nursed, cared for, and prayed for, not only one another, but for 8 children, 8 children-in-law, & 33 grandchildren. God willing, they will still be here to see their great grandchildren as well. I would love for my children to one day have the honour of knowing them.

I think my grandparents are too humble to know the legacy they are leaving behind on this Earth. Because of them, their love, generosity, kindness & faith will long outlive them.

Thank you, Nanna & Poppa, for this wonderful gift. I love you!

Emily xo

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Leggings are (not) Pants

I keep seeing & reading things like this
It's not a joke. Thousands of women every day wear leggings mistakenly thinking that they are pants. They are not. COVER YOURSELF.
Maybe you have too. And, I tend to agree, leggings are not pants. If they were, they would be called pants. However, I fail to see the difference between wearing leggings as pants, and say, wearing super right, require butter to get on, skinny jeans. I do not think their is a difference between wearing these

And say, any of these things

Galaxy Purple Yoga Pants - LIMITED
These are yoga pants...note the word 'pants' as well as the fact that they look exactly like leggings.

Yoga Pants have to be extra long!!!
Or even these. Also yoga pants, but with a wider leg. However, I think objecting to wearing leggings as pants doesn't have anything to do with how form fitting they are from mid-calf down. It's how closely they cling in...well...other places. These yoga 'pants' do exactly the same thing.

J Brand 811 Mid Rise Skinny Jeans
How is wearing these more socially acceptable then wearing leggings? They are equally tight, these are just significantly more uncomfortable & have pockets (which is actually not as handy as it would seem because the jeans fit so tightly you can't actually put anything in the pockets).

But it this last thing that baffles my mind....The image on the rightis leggings, and the one on the left is 'jeggings'. WHAT THE HECK???
There is no difference. Why does not one object to jeggings, but people throw down right fits about leggings. Whhhhhhyyyyy?

Now, do not get me wrong. I don't think leggings are pants any more then the next person. I do own them & they are the most comfortable piece of clothing I own for my lower half. I wear them when I am home alone, I wear them to bed, I wear them with a long sweater and boots when I am too lazy to put on real clothes to leave the house. I am pro-leggings, assuming you wear them appropriately. Like, say, in any of these ways..

Short Dress with Leggings Under

sweater tunic

I mean, just be smart about it...modest is hottest ladies, remember that. Cover up your cute bottoms. 'Bottoms up!' was not referring to being able to see your booty through tight, stretchy fabric.

Love ya'll

Emily xo

Monday, August 19, 2013

Blessed Emily

No, no, not me. I wish!

Today is the feast day of Blessed Emily Bicchieri. Maybe you've never heard of her...I hadn't. So, in honour of her feast day I am going to share what I have learned about her story.

Emily Bicchieri was born on May 3, 1238 in Vercelli, Italy. Her mother passed away when Emily was very young, and with a desire for a mother in her life she placed herself under the care of our Mother in Heaven.

Emily's father had plans for his daughter to be married and have a family. Emily pleaded with her father to construct a convent. Her heart's desire was to pursue religious life in the Third Order of St. Dominic. Her father built a convent outside of the city, which was later dedicated to St. Margaret.

When Emily was only 20 she became abbess of the convent. Having been elected, against her will, as Prioress, she governed and lead the new community very well. She was tactful, faithful, and strongly insisted on her community being pure with their intentions. Blessed Emily was very diligent about never telling anyone to do something she herself would not do.

Receiving Communion regularly was uncommon at this time, yet Emily received Our Lord frequently. She had such a love and adoration for the Passion of Our Lord. At a time, she felt she was receiving Our Lord too often, and she felt a need for humility. She chose to fast, for a time, from going to Communion. It was then Our Lord appeared to her, and asked His Spouse to return to His Banquet Table.

Bl. Emily Bicchieri
She was known for having visions, as well as for miracles Our Father performed through her.

Blessed Emily passed away of illness on her birthday, May 3rd, in 1314.  She was 76 years old. She was beatified by Pope Clement XIV. Her feast day is celebrated on August 19th.

Bl. Emily, please pray for us. Help us to cling to our Heavenly Mother, and find a model of womanhood in her. Pray that we might have a renewed fervour for Our Lord's passion, and his very true, and holy presence in the Eucharist. May we come before our Heavenly Father with a new adoration. Amen.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Last Days

Summer is coming to an end here on Ontario. Sigh.

We had a really warm July, which was lovely, and perfect for beach days. But, August is getting chilly. I love fall, but it's August 17th, & it's too early for me. I am not letting the chilly temperatures ruin these last few weeks of summer, though!

My parents always rent a cottage for a week over the summer. It's never the same cottage...always a new one, with a new adventure. And, we all love it. However, my siblings & I are getting older, so last summer, and this summer my sister, brother & I weren't able to spend the week cottaging. With work and other commitments of growing up getting in the way, I miss those weeks I had growing up.

My parents had a cottage rented this past week. I didn't think I was going to be able to get up to it at all, but was over joyed when I was able to sneak away from the world for 2 days and enjoy some time relaxing. Troy & went up late Wednesday night, after I finished work, and came back early this morning so I could get to work on time today. We really enjoyed our time with my family, and I wanted to share some pictures from our mini vacation with you.

Enjoy & happy last weeks of summer!

The flowers were in full bloom, and looking beautiful.
 Had to share!

Mary & Tess in the kitchen :)

There were some serious washer games going
on this week. I have a very competitive family!

Isn't he the cutest? Look at that smile!

Troy & Tess- the greatest washer fans this
side of the Valley!

Look at this little fella!

No doubt about it, Dad kicked some butt at washers!

These two! So cute <3 Despite the chilly air and water, they
were unstoppable with their swimming.

She was just too cute in all her pink!

And the fisherfolk head out in their canoe...and returned with
a whole lot of nothing. *sigh*

Yes, we were at the beach. Yes, it was freezing & the blanket
was necessary. Yes, there was a lot of swimming done!

My love.

The boys & I. The hotdogs Dad made were
a hit! Thanks, Dad!

Look at those two, cooking in love.


Make the moment of these last days of summer!


Emily xo

Friday, August 16, 2013

As You Walk

Just a quick thought for your Friday:

Your path to Heaven has been paved with rough wooden beams of heavy wood; large, rusty nails that tear flesh; the anger of a world hurting from lack of truth; a sharp, piercing ring of thorns; a treacherous, uphill climb, flanked by people waiting for you to fail.

It has been paved by a long, winding, dangerous journey with people crying for your pain, and praying constant prayers for you, and it has been brightened by the light of the promise of a beautiful, indescribable, glorious eternity by the one who walked it first... a gentleman who adored you enough to die for you. Some two million years ago.

May God be with you on your journey...whatever form it takes. No one said it would be fact, He showed us how far from easy it would be.

Emily xo

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Be Strong

We all face mountains...

be strong and courageous

It's how we face them that counts.

May God always bless you,

Emily xo

Monday, August 12, 2013

Quote of the Day: Like a Child

Today I needed this reminder...

"Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become children, you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven." 
-Matthew 18:3

-Emily xo

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Last Few Moments

Last weekend was a long weekend here where I live. I worked Saturday & Sunday, but had Monday & Tuesday off. I spent some time with Troy & I wanted to share with you some photos I took from being at his home.

This little baby tree frog was just hanging out on an old licence plate on the woodshed. That is the bottom of the number 8 on the plate, so you can get an idea of the size. Cute, eh?

These were some wild peas we came across. Tasty as could be.

Amazing how lovely a weed can be...

The wild raspberries were ripe & ready too...yummy!

Troy calls there 'wild tomatoes'...The name is kind of misleading. The aren't really tomatoes, but they are kind of neat looking.

The wild cucmbers were taking over. The plants are so pretty, I think. One was crawling up the branch of the tree.

Mmmm...fall must be coming. Apple picking, here I come!

I hope you're enjoying your last few moments of summer...I know I am! Remember, the tans will fade, but the memories will last forever.

Emily xo