Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Gardens & Flowers & The Prettiest Things

Summer is in full swing, and the garden is bearing all sorts of fruits (& veggies!). Here are some photos of how things are fairing on the Troutman farm.

Look at all the lovely flowers! They have been having a fairly grand summer, and are making the beds look colourful!

The garden has had it's fair share of battles this summer...especially our poor tomato plants. But, here are some pictures of the plants, in all their glory (or more like uphill battle).

Our little Walnut Grove has flourished this year, which has been so exciting for us.

Our sunflowers have also been doing least in terms of their height. They are just beginning to really bloom, though. Here are some pictures of the few that are taking off.

Happy planting & growing & blooming & thriving!


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Part 2: Good, Bad & Ugly

As promised, here's part 2. If you missed part one, it's linked here for you. You can go read that first, if you wish!

This part is school related items. I start school September 3, and this was my first, tiny step to getting things for school. I am still totally in summer mode!

All of these items I purchased at Wal-Mart, by the way.

These are all the things I got. I know, a whole 4 items!

I have had one of these Mead Daily Agendas before & I loved the way it was set up. The set up of an Agenda can make all the difference for me. If it's set up badly, I won't really use it.

I like how there are only 2 days per page, and there is a lot of space for me to write notes and reminders.

Look at this little baby! Is this not the cutest stapler ever? I think it is. And, it was like $1 or something! AND-it takes regular sized staples...none of this mini nonsense.

Okay, this was a tiny bit ridiculous and unnecessary, I will admit. But, it was cute and on sale and I got sucked in.

I mean, it's pink, what did you expect me to do?

And, this is boring, but I got some of these clippy things, because they are useful. Nothing cute about these...just practical. Sigh.

Happy back to school shopping! I hope you find a few cute things at least! It helps balance out the boring necessities (*cough* boring black clippy things).

Emily xo

Monday, July 29, 2013

Play Ball

Soft ball is big at my house. Most of my siblings play on softball teams during the spring and summer months, and most nights of the weeks you can find us running to ball diamonds in small neighboring towns. Everyone loves it, at the start. But I will admit, even our little ball players and us, their adoring fans, are growing weary of the game as the end of July approaches and seasons come to a close.
Getting ready for 'the big game'
But our family more then just plays on softball teams. You can pretty well find at least one child with a ball glove or bat in hand in our yard on any given day. There are always little ones falling us around, begging us to come play a game in our 'field' (a large chunk of lawn that has been designated for all things sports). And, our family also plans a 3-Pitch Ball Tournament for our Church every July as a fundraiser.
A perfect night-ball game with a sunset back drop
The other night was one of those rare evenings where the little ones were able to convince all the 'big kids' (our Mom included) that were home to join in a rip-roaring ball game in front of our home. The sun was setting and it was cooling off for the evening. It was an absolutely perfect summer night, and I couldn't help but capture a few moments.
I am pretty sure that the 5 year old kicked
 my sorry butt!

 My team lost, by the way. However, I did fairly well for my first game in awhile...even if the 5 year old showed me up!

Happy playing!

Emily xo

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Who Needs a Pool?

Maybe at-home swimming pools are, in fact, over rated. Or, maybe not.

The other night I pulled into the driveway of my parent's home after work to this lovely sight.

My Dad works as a carpenter and spends most days building or re-doing homes. Apparently a recent reno involved removing a bath tub. And, somehow that bath tub wound up at our house. I am sure my Mother was thrilled. In his defense, it was behind the garage. Out of sight, at least.

On this particular day the ruthless stretch of merciless summer heat we'd been getting had gotten a little too much for these wee ones to handle. One of my brothers, with the help of a length of chain, dragged this across the yard so it ended up near the hose...and right by our front door. 

An ideal place for a swimming pool, no?

I mean, I can't really blame them...It was hot enough that I seriously considered joining them. But, by the time I got home it was nearly time for supper, and their pool had to close up for the night. Eating sure can get in the way of serious fun, such as this.

I hope you're staying cool this summer...any way you have to!


Friday, July 26, 2013

Part 1: Good, Bad & Ugly

Here's a quick haul/review of some of some items I have recently purchased & used.

Warning: My younger brother, Mark, helped me while I was doing this and contributed with some random photos of some random things. We had fun, and I included those randoms at the end.

Skin Care:

The first item is this St. Ives body lotion in Coconut Milk & Orchid Extract. I have been absolutely loving this! I will admit, I purchased it mostly for the scent, which is ah-mazing! But, as with all St. Ives items I have tried, it truly does do an incredibly job at what it's meant for, moisturizing my body.

I bought this after hearing many people rave about how wonderful it is. I am here to dispute all those lovers of Olay Fresh Effects BB Cream. I really, really dislike it. I find it doesn't absorb into my skin, and kind of smears over my face, leaving it looking cake-y. And, throughout the day I notice that it actually rubs off my face, and forms weird coagulated clumps.
Not a hit with me, at all!

Lastly, I have the Simple Protecting Light Moisturizer with SPF 15. It does claim to be a sensitive skin sunscreen, which I do agree with. I had no problem at all with it breaking me out, or drying out my sensitive skin. However, I do not really find it to be moisturizing. I typically use another facial moisturizer in addition to this product.
It does protect my skin, which is excellent. But, I was thrown by the scent. For some reason I didn't anticipate it smelling quite so strongly of sunscreen. If you don't like the sunscreen scent, I would steer clear of this.

* I am going to divide this up into sections, so consider this Part 1: Good, Bad Ugly.

Emily xo

Thursday, July 25, 2013

A {Bank-Breaking} Wedding

A couple I know got married last Saturday. I don't know them well, but what I do know is that they were loving in a home they had been living in together for a while before the got married. I believe that that is wrong, but I am not writing this post in a condemnation in any way...more of just a baffling perspective of what their day must have been like last Saturday.

When I dream of the day I will get married it is not so much the actually wedding day that excites me. It is the sacrament that we receive that seals us as a couple, and 'two become one' {Mark 10:8}. I am also waiting in anticipation of the life that will begin once we are married...I will be able to kiss my love goodnight before I close my eyes, and cuddle up next to them. I will awake the the sight of the person I love most in the world, and spend my days with them. I will serve my husband and he will guide me. And, the love we will share will be new and totally different then the love we shared when we were dating or engaged.

Two things struck me about how the perspective and anticipation of a wedding day are drastically altered when you are already living together.

1. How is your wedding night any different then any other night you have already spent together?
I suppose it really isn't. Not without really trying, anyway. I always imagined my wedding night would be spent in the home we will share...Obviously, depending on the situation that may not be the case. Distance, or honeymoon travel might have us staying in a hotel.
But, if you'd already been living together then the idea of going to your home would be far from exciting. You have to stay somewhere else that night in order to make it special and memorable, and to not risk falling into your regular nightly routine.

Which brings us to number 2...

 No wonder weddings are so expensive now!! If you have already been living together then chances are you have already travelled many places, just the two of you. It also means you have more then likely invited people to your home or hosted parties, as a couple.
Since you have already had parties then you feel a pressure to make your wedding day extraordinary. You feel you need to make this event stand out for you & for your guests, and that often means it needs to be extravagant...and usually that means expensive.
Maybe this is just me, and my simple taste. But, for my honeymoon, where we go is irrelevant. Of course I would like it to be some place we can both enjoy, but if it meant we could spend a few days or a week alone together some place an hour from home I would be happy. But once again, if you have been living together, and travelling together for quite some time before you were married then there is a certain pressure to once again have an extraordinary honeymoon, to some place special and exotic and expensive.

Anyway, let me know what you think...these seem like a reasonable explanation to me.

God bless you,

Emily xo

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Feeling like a Princess

As I have grown up over the past few years I have realized a couple things;

1. I no longer have to ridiculous metabolism I did when I was 13, and therefore cannot consume endless amounts of least not without serious consequences to my health and my waistline. was a sad realization.


2. Being a princess doesn't necessarily include pretty dresses, as Disney would have us believe. Growing up I loved Barbies and Princesses. I had a Cinderella poster on my wall. Yup. I thought I was going to be her.
Yes, when I have a dress on that is lovely, fits me well and makes me feel good I do tend to equate myself with a princess. In reality however, the occasions for such dresses are far and few between.

For some reason ball gowns are not appropriate work attire.

Sometimes the moments I feel most like a princess is when I am wearing a tank top and p.j. bottoms and having a movie night. It is moments when I feel confident in how I look and who I am. And, as time passes I have noticed that moments I feel like a princess have less and less to do with how I outwardly appear and more and more to do with my interior disposition in each moment.

I realize this is an incredibly gift that some young women will never enjoy. I am incredible thankful I have been blessed in this way.

I hope and pray you can begin to recognize the princess you are, despite how you may appear on the outside and any imperfections you think you have.

You are truly His Princess.

Emily xo

Monday, July 22, 2013

Friends Forever?

Today I stumbled across this post, 35 things I want my Daughter to know about Girlfriends. As I was reading the list I was thinking about the heart ache friendships can bring, and the joys they can have. And, about how no one ever told me having friends may be even harder then having a boyfriend...especially when you're young.

Last week I met one of my dearest friends, Cecile, for supper. She served with me on my year on NET and is like a sister to me. Last year she moved an hour and a half away from where I live (she did live in another Province). I was so excited to have her close...but I also knew I would have to be intentionally about making time to see her. We are both busy, and live can race by. But I need Cecile, and I need to make time to see her.

Having supper with her last week was one of the best moments I have had in a long time, and I left feeling renewed and revived. Before I met her for supper I was feeling overwhelmed, and like driving an hour and a half for supper was just another burdensome chore on my list. Of course I wanted to see her, but when life is busy everything seems like a chore. I didn't know, before I saw her, how badly my heart and soul needed that visit.

If I could tell my high school self some advice about friends this is what I would say;

-You need friends who make you smile. Not because of crude or mean jokes at another expense, but because you genuinely enjoy their company.

-A truly good friend is one who calls you to be a better version of yourself, even if that means being a little bit harsh.

- Just like everyone tells you not to settle for a boy, don't settle for a friendship. Surround yourself with people who you love and who love you...not necessarily people who strive for popularity.

-If you feel, even for a second, insecure about being yourself around your friend then it is not a friendship that is worth your time.

-Friendships that thrive on drama will crumble and fall the moment you grow up. Don't put yourself through that heartbreak.

-If you have a friend that you are nervous to expose your heart to, for fear of who the might tell, guard your heart. Don't allow yourself to disclose your most precious thoughts, opinions and passions with someone who might destroy them without a second thought.

-You are allowed to be picky. You have to be kind to everyone, but you do not have to be friends with everyone. You need to know this.

-True, good friends won't tell you lies, because they know you can handle the truth, and you would not judge them.

-They will forgive you a thousand times, and always give you a second chance. Never take advantage of that fact.

-You will know when you have met a forever friend. You will know by how freely you can talk to them, by how passionate they are about life, by how similar they are to you in faith and morality. They will be strong in the things you battle with, and struggle in the areas where you excel. That way you can bring out the very best in one another. They will love God infinitely more then they love you, and you will be incredibly thankful for that. They will pray for you. They will know your heart, even when you don't. They will know how to love you better then you know how to love yourself.

-If at the end of time you only have one best friend, count yourself blessed.

Emily xo

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Keeping it Cozy-My Current Favourite Blog

If you know me then you know that I adore old things..antique furniture, old houses...everything. I think it is beautiful and timeless. But, mostly I love the story it all tells and the history it holds.
Keeping It Cozy

I came across this blog yesterday called, Keeping it Cozy. I have fallen head over heels in love with this woman's home, talent, stories and blog. It is all so lovely and exactly the way I have always dreamed my life would be. I sincerely hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Happy exploring!

Emily xo


I began this blog because I have a passion for making sure other young women know how treasures, valued and beautiful God has made them to be. Today I stumbled across this quote, and I think it says perfectly how we need to value the way we were created as women.
Zooey Deschanel. Wow, I have never heard a woman speak about being a woman better than this quote. - I need to allow myself to do this more.

Many blessings,

Emily xo

Thursday, July 18, 2013


I stumbled across this on...Pinterest (yes I am fully aware I begin far to many blog posts with the word 'Pinterest' and that it is a problem). It was too cute, true and funny not to share.

To my baby sisters...all 4 of you.

I love ya'll!

Emily xo

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Quote of the Day-Better than Who You are Today

Because at the end of the day, and at the end of time, this is the only things that matters.

Emily xo

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Places You'll Go

When I graduated from elementary school at the end of my year in 8th grade my teacher red us this book. I had read nearly every Dr. Seuss book under the sun, but this one was new for me. And, I am glad it was. It gave me a chance to really listen and enjoy this children's book.

Now, years later, this book is good to read once again. I am now in a position in my life where I can make dreams come true. I have grown up, and I have reached some of those places I thought I would go when I first heard this book at 13. Now, at 21, there are new places I want to things I want to be. My growing up continues. 
The places I want to go now have very little to do with a career or job. They have more to do with living each moment I am given, breathing each breath, being thankful, seeing the world God has given me... and being the person God is calling me to be-the very best version of myself.

I want to:




one day, please

awe baby

I want to!



or 12






imagine how happy that would make someone!

steal it ;)

bucket list

bucket list

to "Cinderella" by Steven Curtis Chapman

I would not want it any other way!

bucket list :)


But above all of these things I want to live a life that God created me for. If every moment of my life, from this moment on, is filled with terror and sorrow I want to, more then any of these things, have the grace to survive it, and become holier because of it. And, I want the grace to accept any sorrow I am given.

"And will you succeed?
Yes! You will, indeed!
(98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed)

Kid, you'll move mountains!

be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray
or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O'Shea,
you're off to great places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting.
So...get on your way!"

-Oh, the Places You'll Go by Dr. Seuss

-Emily xo